The smell of sugar cookies, making one match fires, Africa, the satisfaction in a great tackle, camp, chasing sunsets, anything to do with the beach, jewelry, purses, long runs in the rain on trails, my sisters photography, pointing out things no one notices, people watching, finishing your sentences, interrupting your train of thought, having no sense of direction, cuddling, being clumsy, Virginia fall leaves, purple, star gazing, Wednesday night sushi, thai food, crocs and chacos, soft blankets and lots of pillows, tea and coffee in obnoxiously large mugs, red barns, fields of wildflowers, and fireflies.
the epic 9 months are over. my heart has 52 new on to more adventures.
"so russell, what do you love about music? To begin with, everything"-Almost Famous.
i collect trilogies. pan's labyrinth, now and then, big phish, sleeping beauty, amelie, little miss sunshine, epic films
you should probably read them. i do.
shin fujiyama, my fellow roadies also known as 52 pieces of my heart, and the crazy ones, the ones willing to change the world