Sports: Badminton!!! :)------ collecting LiP GLoSS(cant live widout it)----- Bags!!! :)----- img src=" ll5.gif"width="200"height="250"
"PeOple wid pleasing personality"----- If u are a gentleman, people notice it. You do't have to advertise the fact. Similarly, if u did not have the benefit of good-breeding, it will show!!!! :)
++++rnb ++++ love songs+++ house+++
+++Serendipity+++ hOW tO lOse A gUY+++mY bEST FrIEnd's wedDing+++d notebook+++if only+++
national geographic++++ cartoon network+++
+++uNDERstanding the Psychic Powers of Man++! ;) Basic Japanese(NiHoNGo), Love sTories( by: Rachel HawthorNe)...
mAH fWeNsS!!! :p