radar magazine profile picture

radar magazine


About Me

radar magazine is taking a brief hiatus.
like a friend that takes a long holiday, and comes back looking all tanned and buff.

we shall see you all august time

I am a monthy music magazine that runs in conjunction with radar club nights in Belfast.

I'm a well good Read. And I"m free.

My Interests

Local Music. New Music. Old Music. Good Music.

I'd like to meet:

you... email radarmag@googlemail.com










Yes. and Lionel Richie.

My Blog

march issue

hey hey... it's out now! Filled to the brim with lots of great bands, features and reviews, this month's radar is clearly the highlight of the month. Inside you'll find: The Spinto Band - Tokyo Police...
Posted by radar magazine on Tue, 27 Mar 2007 03:40:00 PST

feb issue

feb issue is out now. inside you'll find all sorts of good words to read and bands to look at. Example: The Enemy Every cover band gets more exciting.  The enemy have us frothing...&nbs...
Posted by radar magazine on Mon, 12 Feb 2007 04:17:00 PST

December / January Issue

Inside: The Festive Edition The Sunshine Underground Radar Magazine Photo Shoot with the bands of 2007 Plus special features   If you havent got it already, sort it!   peace radar x...
Posted by radar magazine on Mon, 08 Jan 2007 07:15:00 PST

November issue

Out November 27th. From usual outlets featuring Pull Tiger Tail and more (If you would like to subscribe to radar, send us a message, and we'll sort something out.) ========== radar xx  ...
Posted by radar magazine on Thu, 23 Nov 2006 03:27:00 PST

Read Me. Touch Me. Pick Me Up.

HI THERE, SEPTEMBER RADAR HEREI'm hot off the press and ready for your prying eyes. I'll be knocking about the Students Union, Radar Gigs and lots and lots of other places around Belfast. If you se...
Posted by radar magazine on Mon, 25 Sep 2006 06:16:00 PST