You make contact me on my yahoo messenger my ID name is aliens_abducted_me. Also email me at [email protected]. This is a very long story. I will try to cut most details out and get to the main story. It was 1988. I usually would be asleep by 8.p.m. nightly. I had to be at work by 5:30 a.m. every morning so I made sure to get my sleep. Anyways. One night I was awoken by a bunch of dogs barking loadly. I was very confused when I woke up because I wasn't in my bed when I woke up. I was actually in the midle of my street walking. I found out the dogs were barking at me. At this time I relized that I had no control of myself all I could move were my eyes. The next thing I remember was I was walking to this wooded bike trail area near my home. As I crossed a little bridge I knelt down on one knee. With two hands on my bent knee I peeked threw some trees and bushes and saw a craft of some type. It was ball shaped no lights and landed under these huge power lines. I never saw the craft from the outside fly. As I looked at the craft an opening opened up and two smaller than me being came out of the craft. The next thing I remember was that I was boarding the craft. As I walked onto the craft the two beings followed me in the craft. The craft was kind of cramped and dark. It was dark but you could see like a neon kind of darkness. I then bent down and asked the being where we are going. They answered me and said they are taking me behind the moon. I then asked why? They said they couldn't be detected on earths radar from there. I said OK then we took off. I looked out of some kind of window type thing and saw us leaving the earth. We passed the moon then made a u-turn type of turn back. This took less than 10 seconds. For some reason I wasn't scared at all. I actually acted like I knew them. The next thing I recall was the only time I was really scared. I woke up again, this time naked in a funnel shaped pool filled with a greenish black gel type liquid. The pool had to be 20 yards wide all around. And pretty deep. The pool was made of some kind of shiney metal. With the gel it made the surface very slippery and you would slip under the gel if you tried to get out. I then realized something very odd at that time. I wasn't alone. There were at least 15 other humans with me. All of them screaming and panicing. This is what scared me. I didn't know what they were screaming about. I thought they knew something I didn't, so I got scared. Some were under the gel moving around I could see. Most were trying to escape. One man kept climbing half way out. The closer he got to the top he would get hit by some sort of beam then he'd slid back into the pool. I thought this guy was insane, if he did get out where would he go? (I thought) I didn't see who was telling me but they where telling me not to be scared. They told me I would be fine and that I could breath the gel. They said I could eat it and digest it. I couldn't drown in it. We could live in the gel. It also recycled human waste back into the gel. I beleieved some of the humans were in the pool for years by the way they were acting. I figured a way to be under the gel and and still breath air. That way they wouldn't hit me with the beam and make me slide under. I blacked out after that. The next thing I remeber are some pretty vivid memories. I must let you know that I am deathly frightened of frogs. I know it sounds crazy but it's my one phobia. It's thier skin. Back to the story. I was rudely awaken by a being armpit high holding my hand taking me some where. I remember the touch of their hands it's woke me up from what ever I was under. I tugged away and started to threaten them. I clinched my fist like I was going to fight. I said get away from me and if they touched me again I was going to hit them. He told me if I would do that I would change the world as we know it. I knew if I hit them in the head my fist would go right threw them. I didn't like the feel of their skin and I thought I sure wouldn't want it's brains all over me. So I was kind of stuck in defending myself or making a huge nasty mess all over me. That's when I realized that I was comunicating to them with out my mouth. I knew what they were thinking and they knew what I was thinking. It made things difficult for me at first. That's when the smaller beings brought over this taller being, a little taller than me. As the taller being aproched me he told the smaller being that this is a (the) prophet. I looked at his face for maybe half a second. His face grossed me out so I never looked at him again. If I looked at him again then he'd know how I felt about his appearance. I didn't want to offend him because I like this one he made me feel comfortable. He explained that they wanted to do some medical examinations on me and if I would cooperated. I made a deal with him if they didn't touch me, hurt me or scare me then I would do it. He promised then I aloud them to do what they wanted. He also said he would answer all my questions that asked. He walked me around as we talked. I looked at the ground the entire time so not to look at him. The next thing I remember was the Medical Examunation. First thing they I remember was coming out of a black out lying on a table. I was not scared what so ever. I trusted them. And by being able to read there minds I know they weren't lying to me. As I remeber they took some skin from my right arm. It was like the thinest layer possible. unvisable to my eyes, but all they needed. Next they took semen from me. It was a very rude technique how they took my semen. I will explain how during personal one on one conversations to a choice few only. I didn't understand this. Again I wont go into to much details simply because this story would be about nine-hundred pages long. I asked about this procedure later. The last thing they did to me was the stranges of all. They took my right eye out of my head. I actually saw the back of my eye ball and a cord or veins conected to it. I instantly ask about this. Next they put a bebe like metal ball in my eye socket. About the size of a broken piece of rice. I asked "what's that for?" They said so they can monitor me from space. I thought it was so they could see everything that I can see, like a video camera or something. Then they put my eye back in then that was that. I believe they did more than that to me but I don't remember all of the examination. (Probably a good thing) My next memories was me and the taller being talking. This was the best part. Because he answered my questions and showed me things in my head. I don't know the exact order of my questions but I did ask away. I must inform you that they comunicated to me like an adult would talk to a five year old child. With simple words. Stuff like that. I thought it was funny. Anyways. The first question was about my semen. Why? He told me so they can make baby humans in space. I simply said "ooh". But then as I asked him questions he put visions in my head and showed me in an instant how they do it. As we were walking and talking about the humans in space he walked into this doorway that you can't even see until you look in it. Just as we were talking about humans in space these two kids about thirteen to fifteen years old one male one female turned to look at us. Maybe even younger. Both human. Full blooded perfect human beings. They were both sitting down facing away from us. They turned around looked in my eyes. He sort of introduced us I guess. Then they turned around and continude to do what they were doing. Believe it or not they were either controling, driving or operating the craft or building were in.They were in control of operating something. I was tripping of this because they knew what they were doing and just little kids. They totaly trusted them. Crazy stuff. And being that you can read minds in this situation I knew the kids wen't scared or uncomfortable. They were programed to master there job. There is much more to this topic also but that will scratch the surface of it. As we left I noticed he was taking me somewhere else. This was kind of confusing to me also. As I was thinking of all these questions he was actually seeing my questions as I thought them. I was wondering simple things like, what did they eat and stuff like that. Then at this time it's like the room just apeared. We were just instantly in it. I think it's there doorways. They are unexplainable. Or maybe I just didn't notice the doorways, to me it was unimportant really. Next thing I see is a dead cow hanging I believe head up butt down. Nothing to my eyes was holding it up. I was baffled. I know cows can weigh tons but it was just hanging. Next thing they did was dip it into some kind of gel in a box shaped pool just big enough for the cow to fit in. Strangely enough the gel didn't overflow when they put the cow in. The pool was filled up. Next they lifted the cow out and it was cut, dead and I was starting to get scared. This was frightnng to me. I thought I was next. But then he showed me why they do this. It all related to the humans in space. He said what do humans eat as a child or infant. I said milk . He said exactly. What do adult humans eat? I said hambergers stakes an food. Again he said exacty. Then he put a vision again in my head and expained it all. They can't just take earth cows in space. They do just like they told me, he said we make our own cows in space. Germ free no fleas no illnesses pure cows. Just like the space humans perfect specimens. Like I said I have much more information on that topic also. Then I asked about monitoring me behind my eye. They said humans do it all the time. He expalained like this. How does a tiger expalin to itself when it hears a helicopter coming out of the skies in the jungle. A big metal load scary object. They all of a sudden they feel a pain in there hip and lose all control of everything except there eyes. Then creatures come out of the object and start doing things to it. Like taging it's ear so they can monitor the tiger.Even taking teeth. They even take semen to preserve the speicies from extinction some times. Basicly scaring the crap out of the tiger for it's own good in a way. He said so why is it cruel for them to do it but not for humans? Again I said "Ooh". I'm not postitive but I believe the implant is still there behind my eye or, I believe it actually desolved. If i'm correct I believe that's what they told me. Then he started showing me things I didn't ask about. He even showed me things that you can't explain in human words. I saw human history in a way. I saw how humans got here, I seen why we are here. They showed me the day modern-humans make contact here on earth. I actually know what happends the day they "ARRIVE!!" To me this is going to be an incredible time in the history of "ALL" life. Not just human life. The skies will be filled with huge enormous crafts just hoovering, sighlently. This will be a shock for all human eyes and human minds. Many will not survive (not a great mass but a mass of life will be lost) not by the hands of the visitors, but by their own hand of fear. They didn't show me how but they showed me that we are getting ready for the next human extinction. They didn't say when or even if we will be extinct, they just showed me they are prepared to keep the human race alive. (Again) They showed me the process and how they do it. I was part of that process.Leave me a message!!!