Liz and John's Charities profile picture

Liz and John's Charities


About Me

Why I chose this background...When I was in Costa Rica, I took this picture. I don't know who the woman in the picture is and where she is headed. But for me, when I look at this picture now, it makes me think about life.I see this woman walking by herself on a path that seems never-ending and it saddens me. It saddens me because I have been walking in a similar path like this by myself (in the poker world) and I know how it feels. There could be rain and darkness ahead or clear skies and sunshine...I don't know. What I do know is that when I look at this picture, all I can think about is that whatever path I am on in life, I wouldn't want to be on it alone and I don't want others to feel like they are on any path in life alone either.This is what this background picture symbolizes for me. This picture is my reminder. This is why I chose it for this page. John and I feel no one should have to walk any path in life alone. We are committed to helping change that in any way we can. We know that we can't help everyone, no one person can, but together with you all we can make a difference--every little bit does help. We truly believe that. We hope you do too.I decided on donating my profits from my poster sales as one of the next steps I want to take in accomplishing this goal. I thought about it and the truth is, this is how WE can accomplish this goal together. I would like all of you to know that if you buy my poster--you are really donating to the charities listed below.I will not make one penny from these sales. I do not want to make any money from these sales. I give you my word on this. And the fact is, you will get the poster mailed to you for you to do what you want with it. But more importantly, you will be helping and reaching out to so many people in a way that you might have thought was not possible. And the truth is, you as well as John and I will probably never meet any of these people and see with our own eyes the changes we have made and the effects of this kind of generosity. But does that really matter? For John and I it doesn't—we do not need anyone to say “thank you” and show us their gratitude. We have never done charity work for that reason. We have been doing what we can for charities for some time now and the kind of self-fulfillment we get from helping others is not seen by our eyes--it is felt within our hearts and souls. I cannot even describe the feeling.I hope you will join John and I in helping these charities. YOU can make a difference and TOGETHER we show the world that "WE CARE AND WANT TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE." Thank you for taking the time to read all of this. Please send me a message if you have any questions regarding anything I have written or the charities listed. Below is the BannerLiz Lieu
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My Interests

CHARITY IN VIETNAM 06~~ Charity In Vietnam - Oct 07 ~~

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Liz and John have a unique opportunity - they have solid careers that afford them the opportunity to donate to charities, and they have a voice in the poker community that allows them to reach thousands of people.By using this voice, they want to inform the public about charities that need support. This MySpace page is a forum for them to join forces and spread the word. As Liz and John share a Vietnamese heritage that is close to their hearts, they have chosen to support various charities that aid children and poor families in Vietnam.Liz recently adopted The WIN (Women In Need) Foundation. "I know what it's like to go through incredibly tough times and have to basically start life over," Liz wrote on her online journal after announcing her involvement with WIN. This is an organization that helps women do that, and I couldn't be prouder to endorse them," she said. "What they do is close to my heart. The foundation is designed to help empower and heal women. WIN offers programs to help women recover from abuse in seven outreach centers across the U.S., as well as one in Athens, Greece. Other initiatives from the organization include empowerment and self-esteem classes, plus a program to education college-age girls about alcohol-related abuse.Finally, MS (multiple sclerosis) is a disease that has touched the lives of so many people, but The MS Society comes closer to finding a cure every day. Liz and John have pledged to donate a percentage of their tournament profits to these charities, as well as to give donations when posssible. In addition, Liz is donating all of her profits from the sale of her posters on to the charities. They encourage others to get involved, support in the way of volunteerism or donations, and experience the joy of an open heart and a giving hand.SUPPORTING W.I.N. FOUNDATIONMRS.GLOBE

My Blog

Finally POKER In Asia!!

PRESS RELEASE: 1324 Oct 18, 2006 Poker superstars return to Asia     John Phan and Liz Lieu will go to Singapore to take part in t...
Posted by Liz and John's Charities on Thu, 19 Oct 2006 01:00:00 PST

Keeping In Touch

First, John and I want to express our thanks for your kind words and thoughts about the passing of John's cousin in Vietnam. He is there now with his family, and we both appreciate that people ha...
Posted by Liz and John's Charities on Sun, 01 Oct 2006 03:57:00 PST

My Deepest Condolences To John's Beloved Cousin

In life you never know what's gonna happen. One day you could be alive and living well but all that could be taken away in a matter of minutes, seconds. Another tragedy hit home yesterday when Jo...
Posted by Liz and John's Charities on Tue, 26 Sep 2006 04:56:00 PST