Spawned as a direct result of the lamentable growth of political correctness and pseudo-noveau-riche-politicism that has engulfed the island of Ireland, The Discarded Retarded felt let down by their society, their government, their planet, and themselves. With that, they cobbled together a travelling circus of some renown before it was raided and branded an illegitimate bastard-child of a freak show.
Of course it hasn't always been plain sailing; the band's line-up has changed on more than one occasion but as things currently stand, Dave Phillips provides the roar at the front while Flynn and Tyrrell wreak hell on their six-strings. In the rhythm section, the insatiable cxthxl issues bone rattling bass-lines as the raging Dan Mallon lashes out on the drums like there is no tomorrow. In addition to all of this, Rob Corcoran wails on harmonica with David "Harry" Bookless interjecting with some deep bass vocals and haunting melodica. The icing on the turd comes in the darling form of Natasha Duffy, shaker of tambourines and infants.
Legend has it that they stole their instruments from children in prams, and the band subsequently exploded onto the Dublin music scene at The Ice Bar on Parnell Street. In a moronic twist to the tale, their first performance was marred by an impromptu appearance from An Garda SÃochána, who, in their own inimitable style, cleared the room and looked sternly at all who approached them.
Take note, The Discarded Retarded are a shambles, a hybrid country-rock band with more balls than sense - they'll eat your ears before you can listen to them, given half the chance. So put your wheelchair in the bin and get on your feet - dirty doo-wop is here to stay.