What up myspace friends new and old? I don’t even know where to start, But fuck it it om get it poppen . My name is Dizzyorder Becaouse Om B-boy and also because I once read Dizzy Gillespie's Eulogy, and he said A box can rock but it cant roll, Because no matter how high a box get it always resemble its lowest side. Why, because its the same on all sides. So I rather be a circle then square any day. So since then I been on some master anything I love to the fullest. So that’s taken me into Spoken word poetry making beats Djing Break dancing and making my own gear.
I stay on some other shit so to know me is to love me. Because usually I am that cool Cat that’s having a good time regardless of what’s popen. I would probably fit well in the in bay or get lost in the mix because I am naturally hyphie. But at the same time Om not afraid to go hard so that’s why I am an Unknown Entity. Because it all good to me it don’t matter. Cuz its nothing drama hate what ever. You only live once and without struggle no progress. So I practice at the love of being me. Because cant nobody stop that. You can only do harm to your self by being more conscious of me more then your self.
I know there are a million people that make clothes and everybody rap but what’s different here is I don’t give a fuck if you like my raps or you just can’t relate. Om not here for that its just something I do
My clothing line Acronymics is a work in progress, and will be in full effect summer 07 Ads stickers the whole deal full men’s and women’s line. But right know like Kanye say," Om cooking up next summer this winter. But keep your eyes open its going to start leeking uout slowly but shurely "And there will something for every one soon.
Here is where Om trying to go with it.
The clothing that Acronymics apparel makes is designed to be a conversational piece.
The goals is to take images and acronyms the viewer is familure
With and make new statements. When these statements are put
On clothes and worn the individual will take part in a public
Dialog. About his or her own views about what they choose to where and what it means to them. Find Examples on the left side of this page.
This is my personal page so that should explain it in short form more info at [email protected] and www.acronymics.com
I also have 2 more pages if you’re interested in my music Nannother ENT. And the unknown Entity pages both in my top 24.
Well Thanks for takeing the time to read about me, feel free to stop at my page play Tetras or listen to the music on my page to see what I am listing to Because I change it often. Peace Dizzyorder..This profile was edited with MySpace Profile Editor MySpace Profile Editor
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