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About Me

What about me...what about you ay?

My Interests

Sounds, the written word, bodhrans-instruments in general...beats, beats and more beats please, chuck in a chunky bass line, raaake load of distortion....heaven!

I'd like to meet:

My grandad, for a choc and for him to start everything with 'Girlin' with a fada on the i. Charles J Haughey, to ask him a few things. My brother and sister, to have a pint. I miss them sometimes.
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Classical...19th century onwards mostly with the exception of the occasional bout of gregorian chant...it's fuckin amazing, trust me! electronica of the good variety-in fact this is probably the music i listen to most, fuck it it's great like-from Orbital to your normal aul bit of Techno to completely womping the shit out of it and to finish the trip of nicely a bit of dubstep and sure you're sorted. I don't mind a bit o jazz, sometimes-though it does confuse me often, i love trad...good trad, and if you don't know trad and don't like it for the sake of it, go fuck yourself! Basically there's a time and a place for almost anything once it's not overproduced shite and there's a bit of emotion or intelligible thought gone into it...i'm all for it,,,saying that, my version of good is narrow and i'm a self confessed snob.


Howl's Moving Castle blew me away. I'm on a massive Japanese and general oriental buzz with films of late...especially when they're all colourful and deadly, and someone always gets their body completely fucked up in such an artistic baytin that the fact that its violence never seems to bother me.


TV is fairly shite like...bit o'black books, south park, drawn together, shameless, trailor park boys...i can laugh at them...that's about it.I'd prefere if the box was off though-either converse or listen or read or think, i dunno, tv is shite!


G'wan the leabhairs...nothin quite like a good book. I went through a Flann O'Brian binge-it's amazing stuff. I liked Tom Wolfe's "Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test" and some Graeme Greene, and the obvious masters Huxley and Orwell. 'The Dark Materials Trilogy' was really good too and Cuddy just gave me 'The Life of Pi'-excellent read. 'The Fish Can Sing' was great but I can't remember who wrote it...Halldor Haxem or something-v'good though and I just put down Milan Kundera's 'The Unbearable Lightness of Being' and I wish I hadn't finished it cos I'd like to still be reading it...I've to find another one of his, 'Immortality' I think it's called...i'm all over books!


People are people, I don't have any heroes. In fact the person most likely to let you down is your hero...if they're just people, it's not so disappointing when they turn out to be assholes.