music, noise, movies, travel, reading, Thai food, bocce, fishing, soccer.
check out my music site at sound, video, travel, food, fishing, birds, people etc
All kinds;Sunn O ))) ,The Liars, Broadcast, Can, Zoviet France, Slayer, Sleep, Godflesh, BlackSabbath, Melvins, Mick Harris/Scorn, Gas, Prefuse 73, stereolab, m83, Aphex Twin, Boards of Canada, old Pink Floyd, My Bloody Valentine, Birthday Party, Rappy McRapperson and on and on ......
Bill Morrison, Jodorowsky, Invasion of the Thunderbolt Pagoda, Cronenberg, Copolla, Anger, etc
mainly European soccer games and travel shows
Reading Chris Baer's Pineas Poe trilogy.
Rappy McRapperson