ipunk 5 @ deejay.de sales charts 2007
BIOThe fast growing european dance label designs high quality music. Fundamentally trashy, dirty and freaky electro tunes are the focal point of the output of art based on electronic music.The label iPunk was founded by Johannes Reinthaler in the year 2000. Johannes has got a long experience in business as a DJ and act in the iPunk system as head of label, live performer and producer. Labelowner Johannes performes as DJ and producer with the name of his brand iPunk.iPunk smashed...The newly established company released the first record Cat. IPUNK001 including the tracks "electro satisfaction" and "creation storm" with great success in February 2007. Within a few days iPunk EP1 took the first place in the sales charts ranking of the biggest online distribution service www.deejay.deEspecially the track "electro satisfaction" appeals to many national and international artists and was the basis for this great sales chart result. In the back of this huge success iPunk released the follow up EP IPUNK002 - smashing reactions followed.Meanwhile iPunk got a sales deal with the biggest digital online distribution service for electronic music www.beatport.comThe upcoming record called "smoking jo" EP will be released worldwide on Monday, 6th of August 2007. National and international artists like the amazinge Virgin Tears (Los Angeles) Azzido da Bass and Dave Tarrida have already assured massive support for this dancefloor bomb. Users of digital medium like mp3 or wav can download the whole content of the growing iPunk music catalogue (incl. smoking jo EP) on www.beatport.comremakes...The international success of iPunk makes a mark in the music business. Different well-known bands (like the New Yorker Punk Rock Band "Aluminum Babe" or the French Rock Band "Mydietpill") took notice of iPunk and asked for creating a remix for their musical output. The remakes for this bands will be released on their cd albums in spring 2008. Certainly the iPunk remixes will be available on beatport.com. Planned is a vinyl release of this remakes project too.from iPunk to daft punk!!!!!iPunk tracks played on daft punk alive tour - UNBELIEVEABLE but Yes it..s true. Massive iPunk music part on the daft punk alive opening dj set in Monterrey/Mexico. And not only one iPunk track was played. You can find 3 iPunk tracks (iPunk - smoking jo - released on IPUNK003 / virgin tears - flashback iPunk rmx - unreleased / iPunk - overdrive rubbish - unreleased) on the playlist of the great and well known us dj-team virgin tears formed by dave vt & chris holmes.This great team performed directly in front of daft punk ! And afterwards - ohh, they rocked down the daft punk after show party in the club havanna in Moterrey/Mexico. For sure with the aid of iPunk musiccollaboration with the phenomenal virgin tears...Start shot for this creative collaboration was the iPunk reedit of the fucking great track "flashback" (by virgin tears). A release of flashback incl. the flashback iPunk remix in planed as vinyl and digital format (mp3). That..s only the start of a great collaboration! IT WILL BE CONTINUED - KEEP YOUR EYES OPEN...ready for...kinda sexy shit ...ready for...iPunk004What a promising announcement. This announcement becomes reality on the 3rd of December 2007. Listen to the new "ready for...kinda sexy shit EP"? it..s kinda dancefloor-bomb!!!You can buy the whole iPunk label content (including the new "ready for...kinda sexy shit EP") as digital files via beatport.comfuture prospect...Strong growth on the international music level!The guileful music pipeline of own productions guarants to advance the level of awareness concerning iPunk tunes.At the moment negotiations with well known bands and electronic artists are in progress. Some of this collaborations will cause a sensation be prepared!