Member Since: 10/5/2006
Band Website:
Band Members: ONLY MY FUCKING BRAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Influences: woody mc bride,josh wink,sven vath,LAURAAAA GRAAAB!!popof,noisebuilder,spiral tribe,chemical brothers,daftpunk,FURIOUS SOUND6TM,prodigy,metal,hardrock,jeff amadeus,karbon14,somaticresponse,gelstat,trance,aciiiiiidddd
d music;,me;me and me;the rogue element,TPhatRiderz;far too loud,mano solo,funky miouzik;biomekanik,boyznoise,sebastian;sad songs...the death;the life;all my best party' first first love;i'm alone and i will survive.....Jaja (Tripsykore) live@les enfants du son
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B1gal/Tripsykore/Ekofaz (70) 22102005
envoyé par yetri
Sounds Like: all electronic music style...but i prefer acid tekno,acid core,nubreak and drum'n bass !!!
Record Label: astrofonik/mackitek
Type of Label: Indie