Flec S. Mindscape profile picture

Flec S. Mindscape

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

My name is Doug, and you will never meet anyone like me, ever. To write about who I am only exposes my distorted sense of a self image. But if I don't write about me on my page, who will? On that note, I would like to start off by saying that I love myself dearly... but it's probably only because I am always around me... That and you have to do the best with what you got. ;) Seriously though, I am a lot of different things to a lot of different people. I take enjoyment in making meaningful connections with people that transcend the traditional ideas of how people should interact. I can say that the people that I value the most in my life would tell you that I am a very good friend to have around, that I am loyal, honest, and some have even used the word humble to describe me. I would have to agree with them, especially on that last part. I happen to be the most humble guy I know, more humble than you probably. ;) If you show me some respect, I will show you twice more. I would like to end by saying that I try to not take myself too seriously whenever I can help it, and I hope you don't either... especially when it comes to this self description. If this was unsatisfying, then I encourage you to just ask me what you want to know... I am an easy person to talk to and can get along well with virtually anyone.

Performing Fire at 2008 Detroit Fringe Festival!

Performing Spheres at 2007 Michigan Renaissance Festival!



Who IS Robert Anton Wilson?

Contact Juggling at Michigan Renfest

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My Interests

(In no particular order) Compassion, Passion, People, Thoughts, Communication, Go (the board game), Chess, Extreme Thinking and Actions, Contact Juggling, Thrift Stores, Starwood, Beauty, Aikido, The Occult (occult here means hidden or out of sight/view), Lemony Snicket references, Magick, Music, Zen philosophy, Moss Gardens, Religions, Sciences and Mathematics, College, Circus Freaks and Performances, Mindless acts of stupidity including Tom Foolery and/or Debauchery (debauchery here means extreme indulgence in sensuality or seduction from virtue or duty), Street Performing, Plucking Guitar Strings, Learning new things, Food, and just about anything different.

I'd like to meet:

Interesting people, boring nice people, and all the people in between. Robert Anton Wilson, Morihei Ueshiba, Bruce Lee, Osho, Michael Moschen, Issiac Newton, Jesus, Leonardo DaVinci, Aleister Crowley, Alex Grey, Albert Einstein, Israel Regardie, Socrates, Benjamin Franklin, Carl Jung, Frederick Nietzsche, Jean-Paul Sartre, and other dead people.It might be interesting to meet with Satan and God and try to reconcile their differences... although I don't think that they would listen to someone who is unsure if they even exist.


I like pretty much anything that sounds good. I do enjoy anything that isn't too abrasive and doesn't sound like anything I have ever heard. That usually catches my interest before the stuff floating around in the mainstream. I can get into everything from Rock, Classical, Rap, Funk, Reggae, Punk, Electronic... you get the idea.


Zeitgeist has some interesting perspectives... Waking life, Fight Club, What the #$%$ do we Know?, The Matrix, Boondock Saints, Natural Born Killers, Monty Python, Cannibal the Musical, Maybe Logic, Spirited Away, The Point, Wizards, City of the Lost Children, Amelie, Delicatessen, Labrynth...


Smash your TV... choose your media.... think for yourself... be skeptical of popular opinion.Don't just take my word for it either, think about it.Sobriety distorts reality enough as it is... who needs television to to that more?


I got lots of them, I just need more time to finish them.Prometheus Rising by Robert Anton Wilson, Zen Bones, The Book of Secrets by Osho, Lord of the Flies, The Disinformation series, Handmaids Tale, The Sufi's, The Prophet by Khalil Gibran, and much more.


People that care about our environment, people who respect themselves enough to respect others, travelers, my parents, my Uncle Don... and that pan handling bum who doesn't work Sundays in the movie Amelie.

My Blog


What for?:I am a professional entertainer.  My talents can add a spicy pizzaz to your upcoming event.  I also know of other entertainers with a wide array of talents.  If I do not suit ...
Posted by Flec S. Mindscape on Sat, 17 Nov 2007 01:02:00 PST