WELCOME TO AUSTRALIAâ„¢ profile picture


Sydney NSW Australia"

About Me

Welcome To One Of The World's Most Beautiful Islands.
We Are Our Own Large Country, Coming To You From A City Called Sydney, In The State Of New South Wales, Australia!
First of all, let us state that this page is intended as a celebration of our lifestyle & culture. The idea came about after doing a search on Australia. All we found was pages full of junk with obsenaties that represented Australia and basicaly, wrote off people. Since then, we have seen so many more exceptional pages come alive. Well done to you all! We're always willing & wanting to help put a Australia on the map with a nice flavour so don't be afraid to hit us up & be a team :]
We care about this sunburnt paradise & wish not to be known as some bunch of yobbo dorks living upside down with no idea :]
We've designed most of it using contributions from locals & the public worldwide. Our aim is to try & give all readers different facets & opinions of life as an Aussie.
*We have no political or personal agenda whatsoever and No offence is intended to any reader.
Oh, one more thing. With travelling & living a life with it's demands outside the internet world then, having to personaly approve over 3,000+ pages (as not everyone is approved) sometimes it might take a few weeks to get back to your msgs. It's sad that some peeps take things personal & even go to the extent of blocking our page.
We do reply to each and every one of you so please, Be patient :)
Now we got that out of the way, Enjoy!
If you have some info on what you sell & would like to bring it to our readers attention, please send it along in the form of a comment. Once its approved we will post. Post as often as you like. We'd love to help your buisiness expand.
I know pages with heaps of info take ages to load so our apologies for that but, if you watch each YouTube you will see so much of Australia that has been captured by professionals. We thought they were so good, we posted them all.
In surfing different pages, we were prompted to make a quality page with a true kind flavour of who an Aussie is today. We display Aussie people & companies in our friends list & like to give our readers the freedom to choose what they look at. We don't write alot here. You can read the history blogs or see many picture albums, in a user friendly way. Our aim is to be both interesting & sensitive ie. posting the Aussie animal pictures in Steve Erwin's photo album. We're hoping that this will not only leave you uplifted & amazed with our wonderful Australian animals, but also put you tune you with what his passion was all about. Hitting up some of the aussie pages can open up so much to explore. You get a wide range of opinion and personalities from an Australian.
You'll read about some others we also hold close in our hearts as Hero's.
Trying to give the globe a close up of who we are is not an easy task so always feel free to contribute. I can confirm on behalf of our country that we do (still) have that wonderful thing called freedom, to be who we are. We wanna show all visitors that we're warm people living in a terrific place we call home! We're wanting to load this page up with loads of info. Your very own personal memories & stories are welcome & shall continually change our page so make sure share you bookmark us for another sticky beak!
In the PHOTO albums (pics link) you will find many albums with numerous photographs of our beautiful beaches, people, cities & harbour.
Ray Collins is a new upcoming Australian photographer who is grabbing the attention from not only the locals but also overseas buisiness. Australian Surf Life has recently published some of his work & more is coming! Ray is a local who takes on a variety of miscellaneous requests from personal shots to commercial. Contact him direct on his web page at RayCollinsPhoto.com if your interested in using a credible photographer.
We've also added pictures to a folder from Australian born Hawaiin professional photographer called Sean Davey. This contains his very own pictures he took of Sydney. Any interested parties wanting to purchase these contact Sean at www.myspace.com/daveyindahouse or go to seandavey.com to see more.
Make sure you check 'em both out!
In our BLOGS there are many short history notes about the country & Aussie's contributions. We won't be able to cover every facet of this gorgeous place & it's people but we do like to relay facts & supply url's. If you need any info, Consider sending a request.
Eventually, you will read about yummy foods, culture, language & slang, religion, music artists & past governments to special people remembered for extrodinary things, past & present.
We've also posted some American tv show posters. Although these particular shows are not Australian made - Aussie's *did* grow up watching them. I'm sure they will jog your own memories as they did ours in finding them.
If your curious for any Aussie news, need info for school assignments, moving here and want particular information, write us. Maybe your from another city or state of Australia & want to contribute something. Feel free to request anything in comments/private messages. We'll do our best to accommidate!
Are you an Aussie who's an over sea's resident? Give us your story, we will blog it! Maybe your contemplating coming here for vacation, work or just to surf -- Don't be scared, We're really nice people
I like to think we are a cross between a (much smaller) Hawaii/New York, minus the accent ha!
*[STOP PRESS]* Are You Aware Australians Invented: Ultrasound, Penicillin, Victa Lawn Mower, Box Flight Recorders, the Hills Hoist, Note Pads, Weat Harvesters, Differential Gears, Rack & Pinion Steering, LifeGuards & Lifeguard reel, Pre mix Cement Trucks, Garage Roller Doors, Pre-paid Postage, Double Keel - Yatch, Felix The Cat, Ugg Boots, Refrigeration, Wine Casks, the Electronic Pacemaker, Physiothearapy, Bionic Ear, Spray on Skin, The Alexander Technique, Microsurgical Tools & Techniques, the Syringe, Arnotts Biscuits, Rubber Thongs, Fairlight Synthisizer - Just to name a few? btw... An Aussie owns - MySpace. True!
(Read Blog)
http://www.whitehat.com.au/Australia/Inventions/InventionsA. html
If you look in our FRIENDS list, you will see many other interesting countries, cities & companies. Because they are more experienced to tell you about their own country, we leave it up to them to show and tell and you to discover them. Some, from all over the world give wonderful insight on their pages putting in alot of time & effort by supplying maps, facts & statistics for you to enjoy.
World geography (2nd friend) takes a while to load but man - what an interesting page.
Ready for a geography lesson?
Australia consist of six states & two major mainland territories. All the states are New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia, Victoria, Western Australia & Tasmania. The two major mainland territories are the Northern Territory and the Australian Capital Territory.
Fact: We have app. 20.6 million Australians & I believe USA has roughly 280 mil residents.
The size of USA fits into Australia.
Listen to some great Aussie tracks in our player, top left, just click the song you wanna hear..
*We love making new friends however, We like to keep our profile relatively clean. If you do choose to be our friend, please don't leave comments or grahics that are on the raunchy side. Alternatively, If you read or find anything offensive on our or a particular friends page, please help us by bringing it to our attention.
We Will Act Accordingly & Do Appreciate, Fanks!
Vegemite is a very dark brown healthy vitamin spread -- thinly on fresh buttered bread or toast. Otherwise it'll taste like axle grease :)
..We don't take vacations, we take holidays..when they are national days off, they're called Public Holidays ha!
We don't take showers here, we *have* them and our napkins are called serviettes lol ya, our toilets do flush in the opposite direction..
Aussie is pronounced 'Ozzie' not 'Ossie'
It's already tomorrow in Australia!
The song "I still call Australia home" means alot when it's played overseas..
www.AustraliansAbroad.com & www.MatesUpOver are forums for Aussies living all around the world.
www.YanksDownUnder.com Is a forum for Yanks living in Aussie. Go have a look :)

My Interests

Hammer Time..

Some Great Tourist Info Links:


























If you see the other side of our page, there are other links for Aussie travellers AND sites
for people from all over the world who have become residents giving opinions of our beautiful country.

I'd like to meet:


Ya'll come back now, ya hear?


This wonderful peice of work was created for our page by www.myspace.com/dangermannot - Thank You Sir!



Moulin Rouge. Dead Calm. Chopper. Portrait Of A Lady. Galipolli. Babe. Newsfront. Kenny. Shine. Crocodile Dundee. The Castle. Muriels Wedding. Breaker Morant. Sirens. Wolf Creek. This list does not include countless movies our Aussie actors star in abroad..


Australian Shows: Graham Kennedy Show. The Done Lane Show. No 96. The Box. Sons & Daughters. Kath & Kim. Neighbours. Paul Hogan Show. Home & Away. E-Street.
Temptation. Blue Heelers. Current Affairs. The Sullivans. 60 Minutes. Australian Story. Mike Walsh Show. Compass. Hey Hey It's Saturday! All Saint's. The Guardian.
Yankee shows - Aussie's grew up watching: Patty Duke Show. Doris Day Show. The Flying Nun. I Love Lucy. Lost In Space. Gilligan's Island. Hogans Hero's. Brady Bunch. The Flinstones. The Jetsons. My Three Sons. Happy Days. Welcome Back Kotter. Texas Sheriff Rangers. Nanny & The Professor. I Dream Of Jeanie. Soap. The Odd Couple. Bonanza. Gunsmoke. Bewitched. Greenacres. Little House On The Prairie. Dallas. The Beverly Hillbillies. The Adams Family. Partridge Family. Mchales Navy. Welcome Back Kotter. Happy Days. The Munsters. Bewitched. *Mash* Melrose Place. 90210. Full House. Little House On The Prarie. Greatest American Hero. Cheers. The A-Team. Charlie's Angels. Magnum. The Waltons. X Files. Mad About You. Bill Cosby Show. Seinfeld. Home Improvement. Frasier. Everybody Loves Raymond. Law & Order. House. The O'reilly Factor. Greys Anatomy. Oprah & Dr. Phil. The Simpsons. SouthPark. The Family Guy.. Thanks Warner Bros. For all the wonderful fun cartoons that entertained us!
English shows Aussies grew up watching: The Bill. Allo Allo. Benny Hill. Monty Python. Inspector Gadget..


I cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdgnieg.The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid Aoccdrnig to rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Amazing huh?


Steve Irwin Tribute


Sydney Harbour - Veiw From The Rocks.

The Three Sisters - Katoomba.

Sydney City - Arial View.

Ayers Rock.

"There are no more committed people on the planet than surfers. We fall down a lot. We turn around, paddle back out, and do it over and over again. Unlike anything else in life, the stoke of surfing is so high that the failures quickly fade from memory.."

Banner by Only1ne

If you would like your banner displayed @ the bottom of our page, Send!

My Blog

You *Know* You're An Aussie If..

You believe that stubbies can be either drunk or worn. You think it's normal to have a Prime Minister called Kevin. You waddle when you walk due to the 53 expired petrol discount vouchers stuffed ...
Posted by WELCOME TO AUSTRALIA" on Wed, 29 Oct 2008 07:02:00 PST

Letter from an Aussie

The following blog is written by an Aussie, given to us by Ty from our page. It is his personal view and I post views from our page members for your comments~ I Have...
Posted by WELCOME TO AUSTRALIA" on Thu, 17 Jan 2008 01:39:00 PST

Aussie Day, What A Hoot!

Aussie Day 2008. I spent the day at the beach with a rel and enjoyed the terrific weather we had on the day. The spirit of the day was high, almost as if it were some kind of a new christmas...
Posted by WELCOME TO AUSTRALIA" on Mon, 11 Feb 2008 04:50:00 PST

From An Aussie Soldiers Daughter

Last week I was in Melbourne attending a conference. While I was in the airport, returning home, I heard several people behind me beginning to clap and cheer. I immediately turned around and witnessed...
Posted by WELCOME TO AUSTRALIA" on Fri, 19 Oct 2007 05:34:00 PST

::NEWS FLASH:: Yup, An Aussie Owns Myspace

The following was copied from Sydneys  SUNDAY TELEGRAPH® on July 8th  2007. Australia's Rupert Murdoch bought MySpace in 2005 for $Usd580 million.  It is now valued at serveral tim...
Posted by WELCOME TO AUSTRALIA" on Mon, 13 Aug 2007 12:27:00 PST

A Copied & Censored Blog From A 15 Yr Old MySpace Member..

Current mood: disappointed Category: Life In Ausralia, we have many different cultures. Aboriginals, Torres Strait Islanders, Kiwi Australians, Lebanese Australians, Asian Australians, Ar...
Posted by WELCOME TO AUSTRALIA" on Mon, 06 Aug 2007 07:10:00 PST

Some Of Our Famous Aussie Beaches

Avalon Beach, New South Wales Bells Beach,Torquay, Victoria Bondi Beach, NSW Byron Bay, New South Wales Collaroy Beach, NSW Coogee Beach, Sydney Cronulla Beach, Sydney Dee Why Beach, NSW Four...
Posted by WELCOME TO AUSTRALIA" on Tue, 17 Jul 2007 05:03:00 PST

I am, You are, We Are Australian!

I came from the dreamtime from the dusty red soil plains I am the ancient heart, the keeper of the flame I stood upon the rocky shore I watched the tall ships come For forty thousand years I'd been th...
Posted by WELCOME TO AUSTRALIA" on Sat, 30 Jun 2007 03:46:00 PST

Australian Aborigine's

At the risk of oversimplifying, the basic history of the Australian Aborigine is as follows.. The first Aboriginal settlers colonized in what is now Australia between 40,000 and 80,000 years ago via w...
Posted by WELCOME TO AUSTRALIA" on Tue, 19 Jun 2007 05:35:00 PST

Peter Brock - Racing Car Driver

Peter Geoffrey Brock (February 26, 1945 - September 8, 2006) was an Australian racecar driver. Brock was born in the Victorian country town of Hurstbridge. His father was a mechanic, where he instille...
Posted by WELCOME TO AUSTRALIA" on Tue, 12 Jun 2007 06:17:00 PST