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The Australian Children’s Music Foundation was founded by Don Spencer, OAM, in 2002. The Foundation aims to inspire and enrich the lives of all Australian children and youth, particularly the disadvantaged and Indigenous. The Foundation provides desperately needed music equipment, free tuition and mentoring via its many school programs, including juvenile justice centres.
We believe that every child in Australia should have the opportunity to participate in music. Over recent years, research has proven that the integration of music in a child’s education reaps intellectual, cultural and social benefits; however music is no longer compulsory within state schools.
The hope and vision of the Foundation is that these programs will stimulate learning, self esteem, memory, discipline, interaction and improved behaviour through the power of music.
Invest in Australia’s future and support the ACMF today. For more details, go to The Australian Children's Music Foundation or call 02 9929 0008.