CyberMorgan, feel my cybernetic wraith :P profile picture

CyberMorgan, feel my cybernetic wraith :P

I am here for Friends

About Me

R.I.P Grandad, R.I.P

Hello, it is I, Morgan, seeker of wisdom lol.

I am tall, have glasses and brown hair (just look at the pic lol).

I go to Kavanagh and am taking Electronics (Really fun), ICT (pfff, too easy), Physics (errr, its ok), Stats (Thats right, lv 3 baby), English (uhh, damn english) and RE (RE actually is pretty good, it deals with a few philosophical subjects and self identity :), RETREAT WAS AWESOME)

My main interest is Video Games, Final Fantasy is the core of my interest (Sephiroth is the ultimate antagonist) so if your into it you are definately a good person (If your not, you can still be a good person so dont feel left out lol).

If it's advice you seek I am happy to help, add me on msn and I'll help you work through any problems you have (like an online peer mediator lol...even though I dont do peer mediation at school, yet).

Comment me if your bored, I'm usually on after school and will get your email as soon as you post a comment :). Catcha later haha.

If you know me add me on msn: [email protected] or on my gmail: [email protected] (if your emailing me use my gmail, I hate checking my msn emails lol, all I ever get is stuff saying "you've been tagged" when I already signed up with my gmail to tagged lol)

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My Interests

Video games, computers and in what you have to say ;)

I'd like to meet:

Nobody, the only time I want to meet people is after I meet them.


The Black Mages, Linkin Park, Evanescence, Nightwish, Within Temptation, Tapping The Vein, The Killers, My Chemical Romance, Beat Freaks, Kingdom Hearts Music, Breaking Benjamin, Disturbed, Killswitch Engage, Three Days Grace and Utada Hikaru (Mostly not in order). Recommend music to me and I might add the artist here


FF7: Advent Children is my ALL TIME FAV, Lord of the Rings, Back to the Future and others I can't think of or have not seen yet (nothing beats FF7:AC though, NOTHING).


Ummm not much lol. I watch the simpsons like everyday at tea. I've watched heaps of stuff so it would be stupid trying to list it all here. Nowdays the tvs mostly used for watching Select Live or playing video games lol


LOTR, Animorphs, Goosebumps, Harry Potter, Dune, Atemis Fowl, those are the series etc I've read through the about to read "About a boy" for english though


An image of the perfect me in the future if anything, why idolise the imperfect humans that exist in the media etc when you can create the perfect in your mind.

My Blog

Introducing...Furg :D

Just before my Sister returned from town, and in her hand she held a box with Cat in a Car picture on the side, it was obvious what was inside. Sure enough Tori had finally won Mum and Dad over and go...
Posted by CyberMorgan, feel my cybernetic wraith :P on Tue, 17 Apr 2007 01:28:00 PST


This is the random home of those who destroy all who seek the one they call food. Food is universally known as convo gold and the miners are on strike so the canaries live with their pet snakes at the...
Posted by CyberMorgan, feel my cybernetic wraith :P on Sat, 23 Dec 2006 11:26:00 PST