Hello, it is I, Morgan, seeker of wisdom lol.
I am tall, have glasses and brown hair (just look at the pic lol).
I go to Kavanagh and am taking Electronics (Really fun), ICT (pfff, too easy), Physics (errr, its ok), Stats (Thats right, lv 3 baby), English (uhh, damn english) and RE (RE actually is pretty good, it deals with a few philosophical subjects and self identity :), RETREAT WAS AWESOME)
My main interest is Video Games, Final Fantasy is the core of my interest (Sephiroth is the ultimate antagonist) so if your into it you are definately a good person (If your not, you can still be a good person so dont feel left out lol).
If it's advice you seek I am happy to help, add me on msn and I'll help you work through any problems you have (like an online peer mediator lol...even though I dont do peer mediation at school, yet).
Comment me if your bored, I'm usually on after school and will get your email as soon as you post a comment :). Catcha later haha.
If you know me add me on msn: [email protected] or on my gmail: [email protected] (if your emailing me use my gmail, I hate checking my msn emails lol, all I ever get is stuff saying "you've been tagged" when I already signed up with my gmail to tagged lol)
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