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Jason Parkes

I am here for Dating, Friends and Networking

About Me

Anally retentive, grudge-holding, office-working, music-goblin "in the area", as Gary Clail used to say...

My Interests

Music non stop. Books. Films. Walking. Cycling. Tantric-Masturbating, going to gigs, Sting-studying, driving places while listening to Faces by 2 Unlimited, writing etc

I'd like to meet:

Ghosts of the Near Future


Magazine, AR Kane, Melvins , Black Flag , Comets on Fire , Nico , Scott Walker , Serge Gainsbourg , Husker Du , Throbbing Gristle , Sleater Kinney , Big Star , The Pop Group , Butthole Surfers , Talk Talk , Jonathan Richman/The Modern Lovers, Miles Davis , Gene Clark , Sebadoh , Can , The Fall , American Music Club , Judee Sill , Philip Glass , Ultra Vivid Scene, Ministry, David Bowie , Fugazi , Dennis Wilson , Associates/Billy Mackenzie , Luke Haines et al , a silver mt zion , godspeed you black emperor! , Low , Tortoise , Talking Heads, New Order, Gang of Four, Silver Apples, Swans , Mastodon , Joy Division , early REM , Bob Dylan , Ornette Coleman , Suicide, Ride, My Bloody Valentine , Neu! , Eno , Robert Wyatt , X, Wire, Ladytron , The Birthday Party , Wu Tang Clan et al , Josef K/Orange Juice , Television , Prince (especially when he was filthy) , Isaac Hayes , This Heat, Roxy Music, Gram Parsons/Burritos , Lydia Lunch , Dinosaur Jr , Screaming Trees , Syd Barrett , Laura Veirs, The Gun Club , Cale/Reed/Velvets , The Stooges , Spacemen 3 , The Angels of Light , Joanna Newsom , Sonny Rollins, Young Marble Giants , XTC/The Dukes of Stratosphear , Cluster , Julian Cope , The Brian Jonestown Massacre , David Sylvian/Japan/Rain Tree Crow , Magnetic Fields , Steve Reich , , Kiss , Swell Maps , Royal Trux/RTX , Faust , The Sisters of Mercy , Messiaen , Sparks , Wilco , Cocteau Twins , Silicon Teens , Einsturzende Neubauten , The Go-Betweens , The Triffids , Richard X , John Coltrane , Tom Waits , Nina Nastasia , Neutral Milk Hotel , Robert Johnson, Earth , Guided By Voices , Super Furry Animals , Francoise Hardy , Leonard Cohen , Stereolab , Psychic TV , Gillian Welch , Mark Lanegan , Scritti Politti , Low, Olivia Tremor Control, The Slits , A Tribe Called Quest , 23 Skidoo, Explosions in the Sky , The Aphex Twin , Autechre , Joe Meek , Interpol , T Rex , The Blue Nile , Public Enemy , Diamanda Galas , Chic , Led Zeppelin , The Replacements , Tangerine Dream , Bad Brains , Dexys Midnight Runners , Lee ‘Scratch’ Perry , Sonic Youth , Cabaret Voltaire , John Barry , Mary Margaret O’Hara , The Smiths , Boards of Canada , Gary Numan/Tubeway Army , HTRK , Foetus , Holger Czukay , PIL , Sufjan Stevens , Minutemen , The 13th Floor Elevators/Roky Erikson , Pavement, Frank Zappa etc…


Aguire, Wrath of God, River’s Edge , Harold & Maude , Salo or the 120 Days of Sodom , If…. , Last Year in Marienbad , Shame , Come and See , A Short Film About Killing , Donnie Darko , Performance , Bring Me the Head of Alfredo Garcia , Bad Lieutenant , Metropolis , Triumph of the Will , Sunset Boulevard , Ghost World , Once Upon a Time in America , Reds , The Big Lebowski , Christiane F , Y Tu Mama Tambien , 9 Songs , Andrei Rublev , Citizen Kane , Withnail and I , La Jetee , Brazil , Oldboy , Two Lane Blacktop , Punishment Park , Eraserhead , Last Night , The Leopard , Mean Streets , Nixon , The Gospel According to St Matthew , The Seventh Seal , The Rebel , Saturday Night Sunday Morning , The Passenger , His Girl Friday , Animal House , Blue Velvet , Beautiful Girls , Pixote , The Exterminating Angel , Barry Lyndon , Orphee , The Marriage of Maria Braun , The Tin Drum , Dead Men Don’t Wear Plaid, One Day in September , Battle Royale , Shoah , Picnic at Hanging Rock , Patton , Badlands , Days of Heaven , The Grapes of Wrath , Freaks , The Life and Death of Colonel Blimp , The Battle of Algiers , Billy Liar , Bringing Up Baby , Vertigo , Night of the Hunter , Gregory’s Girl , Manhattan , The Wizard of Oz , Cabaret , Bully , Apocalypse Now Redux , The Deer Hunter , Heaven’s Gate , Dr Strangelove , Punishment Park , Paisa , Weekend , The Dead , The Conformist , The Dreamers , Repo Man , The Long Good Friday, L’Appartment, Pan’s Labyrinth , American Pie: The Wedding , Trees Lounge , Peeping Tom , Sexy Beast , Homicide , Schindler’s List , Repulsion , Sophie Scholl: The Final Days , Head , Seconds , Requiem for a Dream , Chopper , Night of the Living Dead , The Manchurian Candidate , Raging Bull , The Long Goodbye , McCabe and Mrs Miller , Accattone , Mulholland Dr, A History of Violence, Videodrome, Koyaanisqatsi, Persona, The Red and the White, The Day After Tomorrow, Touch of Zen, Shogun Assassin, Enter the Dragon, Heathers, Mad Max 2: The Road Warrior, This is Spinal Tap, The Rutles: All You Need is Cash, Down By Law, Lost in Translation, The Duellists, Dick, Deep Throat/Inside Deep Throat, Groundhog Day, Drugstore Cowboy, Dark Star, The Wicker Man, Serpico, Get Carter, Dog Day Afternoon, The Warriors, The Red Shoes, Life is Sweet, Carnival of Souls, Dawn of the Dead, Wings of Desire, North by North West, Out of the Past, Morvern Callar, London to Brighton, Kes, Un Chien Andalou and so much more...


The Wire, Twin Peaks, American Dad, Heimat, Steptoe & Son, The Firm (Gary Oldman), Homicide: Life on the Street, Takeshi's Castle, The Singing Detective, Pennies from Heaven, The Simpsons, Not Only...But Also, Monty Python's Flying Circus, Life on Mars, The Sweeney, The West Wing,Brasseye, Alan Partridge, Spaced, Black Books, Newsnight, Lost, Hancock's Half Hour, The Rise & Fall of Reginald Perrin, The Prisoner, The Avengers (only with Diana Rigg mind you), South Park, My So-Called Life, Our Friends in the North, Family Guy etc...


USA, Labyrinths , The Sea of Fertility , Slaughterhouse-Five , The Master & Margarita , The Bandini Quartet , A Confederate General at Big Sur , Words and Music , Wreckers of Civilisation , Ten Days That Shook the World , The Diary of Anne Frank , The Castle , Cities of the Red Night , Psychotic Reactions & Carburettor Dung, Stalingrad, Light in August , The Passion of New Eve , Girlfriend in a Coma , The Black Dahlia , The 120 Days of Sodom , The Periodic Table , The Third Reich: A New History , Moby Dick , The Divine Comedy , The Greek Myths , The Quiet American , The Atrocity Exhibition , Twenty Thousand Streets Under the Sky , Nothing , The Complete Maus, The Damned United , The Last Temptation , Hiroshima , Mrs Dalloway , Slouching Towards Bethlehem , Rip It Up & Start Again , Invisible Cities , I am Legend , Tropic of Cancer , The Outsider , Murphy , Day of the Locust , Speak Memory , Head On/Repossessed , The Magus , 33 1/3 Books , Crome Yellow , The Great War Against Civilisation , London Fields , The Adventures of Augie March , Life and Fate , Wiseblood, Picture , The Whole Equation , Conversation in the Cathedral , The Plot Against America , Catch 22 , Berlin Alexanderplatz , Dubliners , As I Lay Dying , The Duino Elegies , Testament of Youth , The Sheltering Sky , The Alexandria Quartet , Diary of a Nobody , Raymond Carver , Ubik , In the Sixties , Suspects, The Rules of Attraction , Christopher Isherwood’s Berlin books , Stiffed , A Thief’s Journal , In Cold Blood , Sherlock Holmes , Awopbopaloobop… , America , Martin Eden , Heart of Darkness , The Things They Carried , The Tin Drum , Seven Pillars of Wisdom , Teenage etc...


Peter Cook, Aldous Huxley, Serge Gainsbourg, Pier Paolo Pasolini, Jean Genet, David Bowie, Knut Hamsen, Tony Hancock, Klaus Kinski, Russ Meyer, Salvador Dali, Andy Warhol, Philip K Dick, Throbbing Gristle, Leni Riefenstahl, Primo Levi, Rimbaud, Christina Martinez, Dennis Potter, GG Allin, Jerry Lee Lewis, Billy Mackenzie, Paul Morley, Lester Bangs, Joe Meek, Franz Kafka, Celine, Kurt Vonnegut, Jean Cocteau, Pablo Picasso, Brian Eno, Don Van Vliet, Anne Frank, Luis Bunuel, Kandinsky, Jean Baudrillard, Antonio Gramsci, John Sinclair, Frank Zappa etc