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WE ARE "MOTHER'S AGAINST PREDATORS" (M.A.P) WE ARE LOCATED IN THE HOUSTON AREA AND ARE COMMITTED TO CATCHING, NO, HUNTING DOWN THE SICK O'S WHO PREY ON OUR CHILDREN. IF THEY RUN, WE WILL FIND THEM. ANIMALS LIKE WHAT WE HAVE TODAY WILL HAVE THEIR DAY IN COURT. ****HAPPY NEWS****Debra Lux pleads GUILTY!!!!!! That's right she pled guilty to aggravated sexual assult of a child. She knew that she couldn't escape the TRUTH. One of the young boys she assulted was her best friend's son, and she knew if she went to court, her EX-best friend would hang her out to dry. So,she FINALLY did something RIGHT. She told the truth and was sentenced to 10yrs in the TDC. We spoke to the family of one of the victims and were told that they are going to make sure that Debra Lux does every bit of the prison time she was given. Based on what we found out, if the victim and or their families are present at every parole hearing she has, they will make sure she stays behind bars as well.(That's where animals belong) She will also have to pay fines,register as a sex offender for LIFE and make restitution to the families. Gotta love TEXAS JUSTICE!!! Praise GOD 4 he is GOOD!
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TRACKING CHILD PREDITORSLINKS:FOX 26 News wants to help track down suspected sexual predators and give you helpful information to keep you and your family safe.If you have a tip for Predator Check, let them know about it. Send them an e-mail to [email protected]. (NOTE: Fox 26News is in Houston Texas) If you want to see how one News program is making a difference, follow the link... ----------

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WE ARE CURRENTLY PETITIONING CONGRESS FOR STIFFER AND HARSHER PUNISHMENTS FOR CHILD MOLESTERS. JUST LETTING THEM "HANG OUT" AND LIVE IN NEIGHBORHOODS FULL OF CHILDREN IS JUST NOT RIGHT AND SOMETHING NEEDS TO BE DONE. AS MOTHERS OUR GROUP IS SEEING TO THIS MATTER HEAD ON. PRAY THAT GOD WILL GIVE US ALL STRENGTH WITH THIS DIFFICULT CONGRESSIONAL ISSUE.PLEASE READ OUR CURRENT PETITION:::As citizens of the State of Texas, we believe the sentencing guidelines for those who kidnap, sexually molest, and/or kill children, (any person age 17 and under) are entirely too lenient.Megan’s Law was enacted because we as a society recognize that those who prey on children can not be “fixed”. It is a compulsion that even those at the top of the psychology field have yet to truly understand. There is no cure.As citizens of Texas, we are tired of hearing about child predators being released back onto our streets so that they may re-offend.For example, Kenneth Parnell was sentenced to seven years for the kidnapping and sexual abuse of Steven Staynor. He served only five years before being released. In 2003, Kenneth Parnell was arrested once again for trying to buy a child.He is only one of many examples.Ideally, we would like to see all child predators sentenced to no less than life in prison without the possibility for parole. However, we understand that changes like that will probably never happen.As a result, we, the undersigned, demand our state legislators vote into law the following realistic changes to the sentencing guidelines:Child Kidnapping: 25 years to lifeChild Molestation: 25 years to life with a minimum of 25 years to be served before becoming eligible for parole. Paroled offenders are to remain on parole for the entirety of their remaining years of life. A 2nd criminal conviction for any offense against a child will result in an automatic sentence of life with out parole.1st degree murder of a child: Will automatically be a capital offense. This will also include any death of a child as the result of abuse and/or neglect. Conviction will result in a minimum sentence of life without parole and a maximum sentence of death.Child Rape: Mandatory life without parole.Child Pornography: 1. Distribution: 25 years to life 2. “Simple” possession with no intent to distribute: minimum sentence of 15 years.Children are our most precious resources and require our protection. It is time that predators are stopped from escalating their crimes and re-offending. There is no crime greater than a crime against a child and it is time that the punishments start to fit the severity of the crimes.Once you have completely read this, copy and paste to your clipboard. Change it and put your states name there and please print it and sign the bottom. Then send it to your states government office. It's an actual petition in front of congress right now. If we all ban together and do this, someone WILL hear us and someone WILL listen.UPDATE!!!! Subject Texas Child Predator Act 2007 Body: PLEASE SIGN THE PETITION AND REPOST THE BULLETIN!!2007 Legislative AgendaPOINT ONEAbolish the statute of limitations on child sexual assaults as outlined in HB838 79th Regular Session, Texas Legislature.Article 12.01 of the Texas Code of Criminal Procedure states victims of child sex assault have "ten years from the 18th birthday of the victim of the offense". Victims have until they are 28 years old to press charges. If you do not come forward in this prescribed timeframe, prosecutors' hands are tied and no matter what evidence or how many victims come forward, Texas law prevents charges from being filed.Why an SOL Does Not Work in Child Sex Abuse CasesWhether or not they see themselves as victims, abused children are far less likely to report the abuse than adults. They are ashamed, embarrassed, and confused. They have been betrayed by the adult world, and so are less likely to seek its shelter. Abusers usually tell their victims not to tell anyone else and that can be a serious barrier; thus, if a child is the only person who knows about the abuse, the SOL usually does not begin to run until the child becomes an adult.The problem here, of course, is that the scars of child abuse do not magically heal when victims turn eighteen. The habit of hiding pain and humiliation lasts well into adulthood. Because the very commission of the crime of child sexual abuse diminishes the likelihood that the victim will come forward, the SOL becomes in such cases more a sword used against victims than a shield for them. It may take years for victims to summon the courage to come forward. When they do, the courts should be there for them and for the future victims who may also suffer if the abuser is never tried and punished for his past crimes.SOL in Other States34 states have laws that are tougher on child predators than Texas.Twenty-three states do not have a statute of limitations (SOL) for child sex crimes. Alabama, Alaska, Colorado, Kentucky, Maine, Maryland, Missouri, North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia, West Virginia and Wyoming have no time limitation for the prosecution of most sexual offenses against children. Delaware, Florida, Idaho, Indiana, Mississippi, Nebraska, New Jersey, New York, New Mexico, Rhode Island and South Dakota have no time limitation for the prosecutions of the most serious forms of sexual assault regardless of the age of the victim.Eight states begin the SOL "clock" once the victim reaches adulthood usually 18 years of age. Connecticut, District of Columbia, Illinois, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin have SOLs longer than Texas's 28 years.Three other states begin the SOL "clock" when the crime is reported to law enforcement such as the case in Minnesota, North Dakota and Utah. Statistics compiled by the National District Attorneys Association and recent updates to state law from newspapers across the country.SOL on a Federal LevelOn April 30, 2003, President Bush signed into law S. 151, the Prosecutorial Remedies and Other Tools to end the Exploitation of Children Today Act of 2003 (PROTECT). Among the many protections in this law, it allows the prosecution of child abduction and sex crimes during the entire life of the victim. This is the most extensive child protection legislation in a generation. All arguments against ending the SOL do not stand up at the federal level.Statistics compiled by the National District Attorneys Association TWOEstablish Life without parole eligibility for repeat child sex offenders as outlined inHB1761, 79th Legislative Session, Texas Legislature.In 1997, SB46 authored by Senator Florence Shapiro of Plano instituted the Two Strikes measure which mandated life imprisonment for a defendant's second conviction for assaultive offenses including sexual assault. A mandatory life sentence is not mandatory life in prison. The minimum parole eligibility for those offenders is 35 calendar years with no credit for good time as set forth in the Govt. Code, Sec. 508.145(c).Sherman which would allow jurors to choose between life without parole or life with parole giving prosecutors more leeway in plea bargaining cases with weak evidence. HB1761 only applied in cases where the victim was 17 years old or younger. Phillips' bill died in committee.With the enactment of this bill, jurors would have the option, not mandate, to sentence a repeat child sex offender to life without parole. Prosecutors are challenged by very young witnesses or simply a lack of evidence in cases of child sexual assault. In these difficult cases, the addition of life without parole could be used by prosecutors to force defendants to plea bargain to life with parole instead of facing the tougher penalty of life without parole. When necessary for the most heinous of offenders, life without parole is the smartest choice in regards to public safety.This is not a mandate, but simply a prosecutorial tool to be used at the discretion of prosecutors depending on the specifics of a case.The typical offender convicted of sexual assault is a white, heterosexual male (91%) who is religious (91%), married or formerly married (75%) earning a middle income or above (65%), and often college educated (48%). Many rapists commit their first sexual assault by age 14-16. The average convicted sex offender reports having molested anywhere from 30 to 60 children before being arrested for the first time. It is not uncommon for an offender to sexually abuse up to 380 children in a lifetime.March 2000 by Texas Commission on Law Enforcement in partnership with The University of Texas at Austin.One of the primary responsibilities of government is public safety. Not all sex offenders are created equal; therefore, it is our goal to find ways to prosecute and sentence the repeat child sex offender who statistically can molest many children before being caught.Please be THEIR VOICE in Texas. Sign our .. petition to voice your support of our 2007 Legislative Agenda. PLEASE NOTE: You must be a Texas resident who is a registered voter to sign this petition. ************************************************************ ************************************************************ ********************************************************* ****************MY**STOLEN**LIFE*************************** Tears washed his baby face as he sat rocking himself in the corner of his tiny room. His body already absorbed in pain and sexually abused, alone. He shook with the fear of her return because he knew the DEMON LADY was returning. The little boy no longer cried out, because no one heard. He had nowhere left to run, not even to daddy's arms. No one to keep him safe from harm. Not knowing when the DEMON LADY would come, but knowing that she would. Watching, listening, ever vigilant. The creaking sounds of her footsteps echoed in his ears. Her shadow stands out against the sunlight shining through the small window. As her footsteps come closer, he shuts his eyes as tight as he can. Silence, he barely breathes as he opens his eyes and sees the DEMON LADY standing there. The DEMON LADIES eyes are dark and full of evil. He sat there trying not to cringe, rying not to show his fear, even though he knew what was about to happen. fear dries the wetness on his face. He pulls his shirt over his knees in an attempt to protect himself. But, the DEMON LADY covers him like a blanket. The DEMON LADY tells him what she wants and he did what she said and let her do what she wanted to do. She stands when she's done and looks down over him and says "you are nothing and you will never be anything except mine". Faint whimpers escape with hios breath as he struggles to pull himself together. After the DEMON LADY is through with him, her footsteps trail away in the distance. The DEMON LADY has gone for now but he knows she will reappear. He crawls back to his spot, his body wet with tears.His hopes and dreams are gone now. He closed his eyes and finally let himself go. The little boy was dead, he was cast aside and in his place grew a halfling, one that was not whole, one who could not be. He still looked the part of the small boy. He was one who still did what the DEMON LADY said. One who showed no fear, one that took the pain and abuse. One who showed no no tears. One who was forever changed. The halflinf survived, half living half-dying. While he saw little,felt little and experienced little, the DEMON LADY could not touch his soul for it was buried too deep. When the pain threatened to break through, he fell into the dark embrace of his tiny dark corner. It's two walls holding him like the mother's arms that should have been holding him the way a mother holds her son, not her lover.The years pass. The DEMON LADY is gone now but her shadow remains. Now memories from the past intrude and become the future. the halfling needs to live again.The broken pieces of my childhood lay before me. I am trying to see the lies for what they were, the abuse for what it was, and myself for what i am, a man who was sexually abused. I have somehow survived to have a small glimpse of what life can be.


Be wary, but not paranoid, of adults who have one or several of these behaviors. These common traits of sex offenders should help you raise the red flag on inappropriate relationships between adults and your children.Adults who seem preoccupied with children Single adults who work or volunteer with children's clubs/activities and frequently spend their free time doing "special" things with kids Adults who spend time volunteering with youth groups who do not have children in those groups Adults who seem to engage in frequent contact with children, i.e., casual touching, caressing, wrestling, tickling, combing hair or having children sit on their lap Adults who act like children when with children or who allow children to do questionable or inappropriate things Adults who want to take your children on special outings too frequently or plan activities that would include being alone with your child Adults who do not have children and seem to know too much about the current fads or music popular with children Adults that your children seem to like for reasons you don't understand Adults who seem able to infiltrate family and social functions or are "always available" to watch your kidsRelated Resources Family Watchdog The Victims National Center for Missing and Exploited Children The Polly Klaas Foundation The Jessica Marie Lunsford Foundation Amber Alert


National Sexual Assault Hotline 1.800.656.HOPE
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THIS IS WHAT WE CALL JUSTICE!!!!!ANGLETON, Texas -- A former Pearland High School teacher was found guilty Tuesday of sexually assaulting one of his students, KPRC Local 2 reported.Hollis Grizzard, 33, was a debate coach at the school when he assaulted a 15-year-old female student in a large storage closet at the back of his classroom.Grizzard, of Spring, was charged with one count of sexual assault of a child and one count of improper sexual relationship between an educator and a student in Brazoria County. Both are felonies. Jurors deliberated more than five hours before reaching the verdict.In closing arguments, a prosecutor reminded jurors of the girl's testimony -- that Grizzard hurt her physically."(The girl) cried out in pain, but no one heard her," Assistant District Attorney Lori Rickert said. "This is not some problem wild child he can't control. This is the girl he's taking into the closet on a daily basis."The defense argued that the student is a lying, troubled girl and enjoyed the attention it brought her at school and from her estranged family."She becomes a celebrity at school. Her mom becomes involved in her life. It helped her. No matter what happens, she wins," defense attorney Zack Maloney said. "She was adamant she heard the sound of a zipper during the assault. These are the pants he was wearing that day. There is no zipper. She lied."Before becoming a teacher, Grizzard served in the army and was a journalist. According to testimony, he first tried to counsel the 15-year-old girl because she confided to him that she had a rough home life.Prosecutors said Grizzard took advantage of her trust in the worst way.Officials said there is a second 15-year-old student who made similar allegations against Grizzard. That charge will be tried separately. However, jurors heard evidence of that allegation.The defense said the two girls are friends. Prosecutors said it showed a pattern.Grizzard faces from probation to 20 years in prison.The sentencing phase of the trial begins Wednesday morning.Accused Child Molesters At Large Help us take more of these fugitives off the streets and you too may be eligible for Oprah's $100,000 reward!


Header Banner Made with! Click here to make your own!PARENTS...HERE'S SOME TIPS IN KEEPING YOUR CHILDREN SAFE:1) Always know where your children are @ all times.2) Put your children's emergency identification (name, address, phone number) on their clothes.3) Teach your children your home phone number and to how call 911 if there is an emergency.4) Agree on a specific time when children must return home.4) Contact law enforcement authorities immediately if there is any suspicious or unlawful activity. Even when the preditor is a family friend.CHILDREN THESE TIPS ARE FOR YOU:1) Always tell your parents where you are going.2) Never enter any home without getting your parent's permission first.3) Never get into any vehicle, unless your parents know and have said it's OK.4) Always wear reflective clothing at night.5) Never approach any house that is not well lit.6) Remember anything wierd that an adult says or does to you and tell your parents immediately.( This one is very important, even to older children!!!!!)7) Run away from people who offer you candy or other treats or want you to help look for their puppy or kitten.8) Scream, run and fight if anyone tries to grab you or make you to go with them.9) Don't play in areas that you are unfamiliar with.10) Stay on well-lit streets and always use the sidewalk. If there is no sidewalk, always walk facing traffic.


GOD & PEOPLE LIKE YOU WHO GET INVOLVED!! {{{{{CAPTURED}}}}} William George Barney Posted on: October 4, 2005 Captured: February 2006William George Barney allegedly molested a young boy for six years—and was on the run for almost five years. Now he is behind bars! Meet the man who turned him in!Walter Edward Myer Posted on: October 4, 2005 Captured on: November 22, 2005On November 22, 2005, Walter Edward Myer was captured in Costa Rica. This 66-year-old Alabama fugitive was on the run from charges including the alleged sexual abuse of children. Read how a viewer like you contributed to his arrest! Niles Scott Posted on: October 4, 2005 Captured on: October 5, 2005For two years, Niles Scott was wanted by the state of Ohio on charges including rape, kidnapping and unlawful flight to avoid prosecution. Read how viewers in Belize came to the rescue!William C. Davis Posted on: October 4, 2005 Captured on: October 6, 2005William Davis, a convicted sex offender, was wanted by the state of Indiana for molesting young boys in 2004. Read the dramatic story of how two Oprah Show viewers helped take this alleged molester off the streets!Earnest Edgar Thomas, Jr. Posted on: March 7, 2006 Captured on: March 23, 2006We are pleased to hear of the capture of Ernest Edgar Thomas, Jr. and applaud the collaborative efforts of local, state and federal authorities that led to his arrest. Get more details about his capture.

My Blog

Finally ready to tell my story..................

..> Hi my name is Diana and I started a group on my space back in September '06 called...M.A.P...Mothers Against Predators. Based out of Crosby Texas. I started the group because I was on...
Posted by MOTHERS AGAINST PREDATORS on Sat, 25 Aug 2007 10:11:00 PST

M.A.Ps Appreciation

These are just some cute pic comments that I found on line that perfectly describe the way that I feel about all of you members, who have taken time out of your busy lives to help make a difference in...
Posted by MOTHERS AGAINST PREDATORS on Fri, 20 Jul 2007 12:23:00 PST

Tati is still missing...Please help us find her and bring her home

                             MISSING      &nbs...
Posted by MOTHERS AGAINST PREDATORS on Wed, 30 May 2007 09:50:00 PST

Signs that ur child might be involved w/an online Predator

Signs that ur child might b involved with an online predator----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------From: Women of WordsDate: May 29, 2007 10:34 AMAccording to the Federal Bureau of Invest...
Posted by MOTHERS AGAINST PREDATORS on Tue, 29 May 2007 10:40:00 PST

Ways to Spot a Pedophile

From: [Stop Abuse] Date: May 28, 2007 10:04 PM WAYS TO SPOT A PEDOPHILE # Generic profiles. Normally, pedophiles will have a basic description of them self, with seemingly normal interests. Often time...
Posted by MOTHERS AGAINST PREDATORS on Tue, 29 May 2007 10:30:00 PST

M.A.P Is Hitting The Streets

Good evening/morning!! I am witting today in response to the overwhelming e-mails that I have received from friends of M.A.P and others. The e-mails are those needing help with known pedophile living ...
Posted by MOTHERS AGAINST PREDATORS on Tue, 29 May 2007 10:28:00 PST

My Stolen Life..

  Tears washed his baby face as he sat rocking himself in the corner of his tiny room. His body already absorbed in pain and sexually abused, alone. He shook with the fear of her return because h...
Posted by MOTHERS AGAINST PREDATORS on Wed, 24 Jan 2007 05:05:00 PST

Pray For Kaeden

PRAY FOR KAEDEN.. Kaeden has been diagnosed with a strep and a staph infection in his blood. He also has a strep infection in his throat. His white blood cell count has been moving back and forth...
Posted by MOTHERS AGAINST PREDATORS on Mon, 27 Nov 2006 12:34:00 PST

I got flowers today

I Got Flowers Today!We had our first argument last night, and he said a lot of cruel things that really hurt me. I know he is sorry and didn't mean the things he said, because he sent me flowers today...
Posted by MOTHERS AGAINST PREDATORS on Mon, 27 Nov 2006 12:31:00 PST