VAI, Vi Alternativa Iranier
A nonpolitical and
nonreligious place for people with an persian origin and everyone else who dont fit into the usual categories, and are interested in culture in general but also persian culture. Basically you just dont fit into the 'norm'. music, clothing, and thinking effects who you are.
Last year an organization/non-profit association started here in Sweden and one of our goals is to get to know young folks around the world with an persian origin or anyone else, and specially those who belongs to different youth subcultures and thinks that culture is interesting.
We are getting money from the Swedish government to do wot we want to do. For example one of our aims is to start a network. Also we are planning to Iran on a roadtrip and take loads of pics and arrange an art/music/cultural/photoexhibition in Sweden, Gothenburg. to show the true side of persians and Persia/Iran behind the walls and behind the lies.
Soon we will fix our website for more information in English and not only in Swedish.
We are looking for people who wants to exhibit their art (music, photos...).Contact us if you are interested.
We can exhibit ur pictures and you can perform on our exhibition in Sweden, Gothenburg. Also u can come to Sweden and be on the exhibition.
Manga har fragat oss varfor vi kallar oss VAI, har ar svaret enlig VAIs bittra kassor:
Var kare ordforande tyckte det var ett bra namn mest for att VAI ar ett valdigt typiskt som man hor ofta nar man ar med iranier... hon ar lite klamkack.
sen sa riktar vi oss till alternativa, dvs lite "udda" typer. vi soker folk som ar intresserade av kultur, inte bara persisk. kreativitet ar val ett ledord, men man behover egentligen inte vara sarskilt talangfull eller iranier, bara tycka det ar roligt.
sen sa har vi den andra alternativa synen pa iranier, dvs den att vi ar invandrare och darmed potentiella brottslingar och okunniga brakstakar.
da har vi alla framgangsrika och palasta iranier, chalmersstudenter och kth:are, ekonomistudenter och alla vara favorit iranier: de blivande lakarna...
jag antar att alternativa bara var ett satt att fa in a:et, men det funkar om man kan se forbi den otroligt lojliga ordvitsen
hoppas det forklarade lite...
Shahin Dehghani
Check me out!