Born on high mountains of Iran and travelling through Italy, Germany and living in Sweden past 13 years. That pretty much makes me a messed up Swede, I would say.
Ever since the big dungeon experience in Tresor Berlin 1997, electronic music has been a firm star on my horizon. The melting of Man-Machine and the possibility offered by those circuits and cables to explore new musical frontiers is just not to be found in any other music genre...but then again I love techno :)Spinning vinyls since 1999 in Malmo/Sweden and organized several parties with the aim to electrify the public. Starting with triphop/drum & bass I have been down the acid house road for a long time, but lately it has been detroit techno and berlin electronica dominating my sets. Maybe because it´s no longer fun to be a hardcore acid house fan when every other dude is listening to those soulless electro clash hits with their futile efforts to reconstruct the acid sound...or maybe warehouse banigng acid is not allways an option...;)Check out mixes on my page
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