Snakefoodforsara™ profile picture


Gravitation is not responsible for people falling in love. Einstein

About Me

Allrighty then! My name is Troy first of all... Also I should probably say if you can't laugh at yourself or your feelings are easily hurt then just leave now...Go away! I love to poke fun and tease my friends and I have no problem being teased! Humility is one of the hardest lessons learned... Be warned I will poke fun at you if I actually like you...
Sorry the page is a frickin mess... Crap everywhere... But I assure you it is all meant to make you laugh because thats all I do is laugh... The artsy stuff is cool too...
I used to be here for a few years... So long ago I taught myself Html stuff to make my page pretty... You kids with your fancy generators are spoiled!!!... Although mine could use an overhaul now, I still like it... It should be viewed in explorer... Mozilla hacks it up a good bit... I have found alot of my favorite people that were on my list from my old page at this point but if you are one of those I haven't found I apologize to you! I had a moment of weakness and lost all my friends when my page was deleted...sorry...
6 million members when I first got on... Some may remember me... A bit of advice, Do not delete your profile for a jealous other... They will just find something else to be pissed about...
So I'm back to play around I guess... Same old page as mentioned with a few updates and changes here and there... It's all I have the energy for at the moment... saved codes... I'm a big nerd... I play computer games, study computer things, biology and science alot... You can't offend me because I have sympathy for most stupid people... HMMM, I like to joke and have fun as stated... I have no problem with making myself a fool to make you laugh and I do it often... Always day dreaming... I love all types of music... I grew up on metal but it doesn't bother me to admit to a metalhead that I like electronic/industrial... Infact maturity has shown me that I really like a lot of music I would have instantly hated as a kid... Except country and any top 40 type radio, still hate that stuff!!! I love the sciences... A mechanic by nature... I think I will always be building cars... (cam duration not lift) I love full length gloves, dance shoes, pig tails and cameltoes!.. I've traveled and lived all across the country... From Cali to Georgia and many states inbetween... Louisiana is where I always end up in the end... South America is my next planned escape... I like animals more then people so don't make me choose between you and your dog or cat... They will win!
I'm totally a Pisces
Good example... If you send me to the store for milk I'll end up bringing back goats milk or some other animal I had no idea could be milked or something made out of goddamn beans... All because I was pondering if I could stick my own foot in my ass and if it would hurt... Don't get exited Missy that was an example...
So I'm back in my hometown and starting over for like the the 5th time... Fucking square one should be my name... I have the best of friends and I do consider people here some of them... So again if you like things I produce or reproduce here, say hi... Oh and read my blogs... I'll read yours and it's a great way to decide if I'm worthy of your precious time... Stick it in your ass Missy!!! lol

UglyCat says
RWAAAWWRR! What the fuck are you looking at? RAAAWWWRRRR!!!

You rock UglyCat!
Please feed Mewie...I forget alot of the time...Try and scratch his ass, he hates that!
And be sure to listen to the Llama song!!! The Llama Song

adopt your own virtual pet!
Locus of Control Test Results
Internal Locus (29%) Individual believes that their life is defined more by their decisions and internal drive.
External Locus (71%) Individual believes that their life is defined more by genetics, environment, fate, or other external factors.
Take Free Locus of Control Test
personality tests by
Take these university level personality tests...
Advanced Global Personality Test Results
Extraversion |||||||||||| 43%
Stability |||||||||||||||||| 80%
Orderliness |||||||||||| 43%
Accommodation |||||||||||||||||||| 83%
Interdependence |||| 16%
Intellectual |||||||||||||||||||| 83%
Mystical |||||||||||||||| 63%
Artistic |||||||||||||||||||| 83%
Religious || 10%
Hedonism |||||||||||||||||| 76%
Materialism || 10%
Narcissism |||||||||||| 50%
Adventurousness |||||||||||| 50%
Work ethic |||||| 30%
Self absorbed |||||||||||| 50%
Conflict seeking |||||| 30%
Need to dominate |||| 16%
Romantic |||||||||||||||||| 76%
Avoidant |||||||||||| 43%
Anti-authority |||||||||||| 50%
Wealth |||||| 30%
Dependency |||||||||||| 43%
Change averse |||||||||||| 43%
Cautiousness |||||||||||||| 56%
Individuality |||||||||||| 43%
Sexuality |||||||||||||||| 70%
Peter pan complex |||||||||||||||||| 76%
Physical security |||||||||||||| 56%
Physical Fitness |||||||||||||||| 70%
Histrionic || 10%
Paranoia |||||| 30%
Vanity |||| 16%
Hypersensitivity |||||||||||| 50%
Female cliche |||||||||| 36% Take Free Advanced Global Personality Test
personality tests by
INTJ - "Mastermind". Introverted intellectual with a preference for finding certainty. A builder of systems and the applier of theoretical models. 2.1% of total population. Free Jung Personality Test (similar to Myers-Briggs)
likes gadgets, analytical, problem solver, knowledgable, philisophical, observant, curious, synthesizer, perceptive, enjoys games of strategy, prescient, questioner, inventive, introspective, relies more on mind than others, more influenced by self than others, brainstormer, nerdy, looks for hidden patterns, seeks meaning, rationalist, bibiliophile, likes science fiction
drawn to artistic and cutting edge industries, drawn to careers where creativity is a solitary pursuit, more abstract than concrete, original, appreciates beauty, ideal love seeking, intense, imaginative, introspective, self expressive, odd, attracted to wierdness, feels both special and defective, easily expresses emotions,
nice, happiest when helping and giving to others, does not mind serving others, unselfish, generous, self sacrificing, other-centric, warm, caring, loving, peaceful, modest, has trouble saying no, has trouble being firm, does not enjoy fighting, very loyal, prefers team victories over personal glory, wants everyone to get along, not manipulative, drawn to public service fields, good listener, comforter, not materialistic, honest, agreeable, nurturing, unlike my
kinky, believes pleasure should play a central role in life, believes religion is foolish, merges and feels intimate oneness with others, wants to feel loved, finding true love is their main passion in life, romantic idealist, can't control their romantic feelings or thoughts, when in a relationship their attention is entirely focused on that person, desires secure relationships above all else, feels best when they are admired, would sacrifice anything for love, believes love is salvation, gets very attached to people, loves giving massages, concerned about being attractive to a potential soul mate, swayed by emotions, fears having no guidance or support, frequently feels loving towards others,
would rather live in their head than the real world, focuses on fantasies more than reality, life lacks direction, never know what to do next, does dumb things frequently, does not feel they have any reason to accomplish anything, tends to ignore or put off problems, believes fun is the most important thing in life, most people think they are crazy.
I posted some of the negative things too!!! Or atleast what everyone tells me is the negative things...I spent my adulthood trying to retain my playfulness and I'm called a child...Screw you people...I'm happy and your probably not... I'm actually proud of who I am...Your Negativity included...

My Interests

music of the moment·mp3

Assemblage 23/document-notarized by Boole


CURRENT MOON moon info

I'd like to meet:

I'd like to meet you and you and you but not you!

Meet BELLA everyone!!! She is a rescue and right now doing just swimmingly...Shes such a cutey and her personality is shining brighter everyday!! Shes Just been added to Canine Clash so go vote for her when you see her in the cute and tough categories... Clic her picture!

I miss you completely Maxi! I will always be your first daddy and I am a big part of the happy puppy you will always be... I'm sorry I had to go away... I hope your life is a glorious one and full of groundscores!! Clic his picture to see his page...Add your pet to today....Thank you Petcolony

Also see Maxi at Canine clash...Vote for him when you see him in the cutest category!!! Click the picture to teleport there!

Then there is Debbie of course...She is also dooking it out at Canine Clash...Help her keep a perfect record in the cute category!!! Clicking pic will take you there...

I should say I don't use myspace as a dating service... Yet I still seem to find my girlfriends here... Go figure... I'm here for Music, people who like to laugh, My friends and intellectual reasons...

I'd like to meet this fish!!!


Little * means how much I like it... Alphy order for you pukes And we're off

A28 absurd minds accessory* acumen nation aesthetic perfection* afromystik agathodaimon agatsuma aghast view* aghora agonoize* aiboforcen alchemist allerseelen allied vision amduscia* amethystium amgod anabolic frolic anathema* and one anders manga android lust angels and agony apoptygma berzerk* aslan faction* asp astral projection assemblage 23* ayria* back and to the left** bigod 20 biozero bjork blackfield* blutengel boole celldweller cenobita cesium 137* chinese black clinical torment clock dva coal chamber* colony 5 combichrist* Conjure One* converter cranes* crash worship cruciform injection* cut rate box* cyberaktif* cyborg attack* das ich decoded feedback defleshed deicide delta s* devision diary of dreams diatribe* die form* die krupps die sektor* dismantled distorted memory district noir diverje* dresdon dolls, the droom encoder* epsilon minus* feindlug fektion feckler felix da housecat filament 38 firewerk fleshfield* front 242* frontline assembly* funker vogt*** gary numan* genitorturers* goatwhore godhead god module** gorelord* gothminster grendel** haujobb hanzel und gretyl* heimataerde* hocico* hungry lucy* I am Jen icon of coil imogen heap imperative reaction** implant* in strict confidence infekktion** informatik** insekt* killing ophelia killswtich engage kittie kmfdm komodo* kraftwork L7 lacuna coil la floa maldita* ladytron* Leather Strip liabach lights of euphoria Luciferion lunarclick marilyn manson massiv in mensch mdm mech tractor megadeth meindfliesh melotron* mentallo & the fixer* mesh** misslulu namnambulu nebula H* negative format** neuractive neuromotor neuroticfish** nin Niyaz nitzer ebb NNN*** no comment novakill Null Device** numb opeth pantera pelican pixies plasticchrist pride and fall professional murder music project pitchfork** Psyclon nine** punto omega** pzycho bitch Qntal* rabbit in the moon razed in black** Rhea's Obsession* royksopp** seabound** sepultura* severe illusion [:sitd:]* skindive* skinny puppy* slayer** slipknot smashing pumpkins** snake river conspiracy sneaker pimps solitary expiraments spahn ranch* SpineShank state of the union stromkern suicide comando** swamp terrorists** switchblade symphony** syrian tactical sekt** terminal choice* terminal sekt** terrorfakt** the azoic* the birthday massacre** the dust of basement* the gathering* this morn omina trickydisco tuuli unit 187 unter null velvet acid christ*** :wumpscut:*** X marks the pedwalk* Xp8* Xpq 21* z procheck* zeromancer zvezdy 16 volt

These are banners but clicking them won't take you away from here


car wash tron Quest for fire The Island raising arizona Being John Malcovich Logan's run meet the parents fun with dick and jane children of the corn battle royale 5th element Feed the professional the matrix series memento star wars serentiy enemy at the gates One hour photo Starship troopers Happy Gilmore The Notebook (it was good)

Cyanide & Happiness @


Satans donkey my ass!! Adult swim of course!!! stargate farscape firefly monk history channel!!! PBS...poobus Nova andromeda


Currently reading "Einstein his life and universe"

Lots of books I have read.. what stands out?... Flowers for algernon, Eaters of the dead, Anne Rice, Stephen King, The selfish gene Lots of psyche text books lots of science monthlies, textbooks and Computer manuals... uhm fighter jet manuals like the f14, f16 and f15... The history of the skunkworks... Anything I can get my hands on about aircraft!

Oh yeah and the complete history of the nazi party. Yeah so hitler was bad! He was the last man to nearly take over the world... What have you done with your life???


OK look, See these buttons below... Clicking them is like internet advertising, it cost you nothing but raises money for each one... So clic them all, A LOT!!!
Add them to your page... Copy the code here
SAVE the OCEANS movie thats very interesting and informative...Clic here to see it!
The Blind Project

The purpose of The Blind Project is to rescue women and children from the sex slave industry in Thailand by giving them a home and education. We have partnered with the House of Miracles orphanage in Chiang Rai. Many of these orphans have battled through child prostitution, opium addiction, sexual abuse and slavery. The orphanage provides children with education and skills as they grow into self-sustaining adults. Our hope is to redeem the testimonies of these Thai children and share them with the world in order to raise funds and support to build more orphanages and create greater waves of change. Clic picture to help.
My little Tattoo!!!
Cyanide & Happiness @
Stick people art is cool!!!
It feels great to be loved!!! Thanks Amber!!! Thanks Pad-Ti

My Blog

Morning Wood, Friend or Foe???

I was thinking about forming a new nonprofit foundation...One that will warn people of the hazards Morning Wood poses to us men and strive to find a cure for Morning Wood...Morning Wood makes it nearl...
Posted by snakefoodforsara on Fri, 09 Feb 2007 02:09:00 PST

Meet my new Love!!!

Thank you Kelli!!! See reposting lost and abandoned puppy bulletins works!!!Saw a bulletin posted by Gina (thanks you Gina) about a poor little girl who was found in the parking lot of a McDonalds ask...
Posted by snakefoodforsara on Thu, 08 Feb 2007 04:44:00 PST

British humor....the classics

monty pythons the holy grail (1975) in it's full glory...
Posted by snakefoodforsara on Tue, 06 Feb 2007 12:39:00 PST

My uncle Ron

Passed today....Fighting diabetes...A good man and one of the only preachers I ever liked....He coached me in football as a kid and was big influence on me....I think the fact that he didn't shove rel...
Posted by snakefoodforsara on Fri, 02 Feb 2007 07:46:00 PST

Quotes about Sex...

You know "that look" women get when they want sex? Me neither. Steve Martin Having sex is like playing bridge. If you don't have a good partner, you'd better have a good hand. Woody Allen Bisexuality ...
Posted by snakefoodforsara on Mon, 29 Jan 2007 04:20:00 PST

Perversion for Profit

1965 anti pornography film....I laughed so hard I cried when he said "Rarely do blind people join nudist colonies"...
Posted by snakefoodforsara on Sat, 27 Jan 2007 04:46:00 PST

More of the old becomes new again...

Self Bury Mechanism 1. Have you ever been to a funeral? 2. Have you ever thought "Thats not how I want to be laid to rest" 3. Can't stand the thought of an autopsy and strangers sifting through you...
Posted by snakefoodforsara on Fri, 26 Jan 2007 06:15:00 PST

Still moving older to the front...Masturbate?

These are rarely seen because they are tucked so far back in my blog i'm moving them up front for comment damnit!   masturbate (old blog) Masturbate? when I was 4...
Posted by snakefoodforsara on Fri, 26 Jan 2007 06:10:00 PST

Older but a favorite...

dreams Ok so I had another dream! Well I have them all the time and I must say most are fun and interesting in a weird ass way. But I can't write them all down I just liked this one alot.I worked in a...
Posted by snakefoodforsara on Fri, 26 Jan 2007 06:00:00 PST

2nd older blog just moved up to the front because I love it...

hell   this was a dream I had Hell is separated by age. Divided by class. The last year you spent in school will be the people you spend your ever lasting days with. A horrible class reunio...
Posted by snakefoodforsara on Fri, 26 Jan 2007 06:01:00 PST