Lil Scrappy profile picture

Lil Scrappy

What time does the dog park open?

About Me

Hello my name is Scrappy a.k.a. Scrapers and I'm a American Staffordshire Terrier. I'm extremely loyal, friendly, loving, adoring, and cuddly. I HATE to be alone! As I am very social and strongly attached to my daddy.

what type of dog are you

pit bull
Congrats you are a pit bull fun loyal and active love to play and please its owner and truly a beauyfull soul

My Interests

What is your name? At first it was Pit Puppy but now its Scrappy
What is your owner's name? Robert
Do you have any nicknames? Pitpuppy,Scraps,Scrapzilla,damn dog
Which breed are you? Red nose American Pit
What is your birthday? September 27, 2005
Do you live with other animals? No Dumpster the dwarf hamster died before christmas '06.
How much do you weigh? 55 lbs.
Are you neutered? No, I plan on having some pups.
What is your favorite treat? People food.
What are you most afraid of? ???
Do you like baths? Yes, I love water.
How much did you cost? I was the runt of the litter and no one wanted me except my daddy.
Where do you sleep? Right next to my daddy.
What is your favorite toy? Anything that makes a noise.
Do you like to watch TV? I prefer Animal Planet but I'll watch what ever my daddy watches.
Do you do any tricks? Sit,high five,shake hands,roll over,play dead,speak
Are you a social dog? I want to play with every dog and human I see.
Are you friendly? Of course I'm a pit bull. Don't believe what the media says.
Do you like car rides? Only if I can stick my head out and enjoy all the smells.
Do you get into stuff? Everything...I'm a pit bull.
Do you chase laser pointers? Yes....why can't I catch it?

I'd like to meet:

All the dogs on MySpace.


Triumph The Insult Comic Dog...he makes my bark with laugher.Triumph The Insult Comic Dog


Whatever my daddy watches but I prefer Animal Planet.


I pee and poop on newspapers.


Everybody that understands that pit bulls are good dogs and shouldn't be treated different from other breeds. ohh..yea..and Triumph The Insult Comic Dog.

My Blog

Tag I'm It....Tag Your It!!!

Body: I've been tagged... Tagged, here's the rules, you have been selected (or tagged if you will) now you have to tell 6 odd or not so odd facts about your self, and select 6 of your friends to ...
Posted by Lil Scrappy on Sun, 24 Sep 2006 02:16:00 PST