Few things about ME...
I lived in Italy, UK, Spain and The Netherlands...
I hate goodbyes.
TraveLLing, LonDOn,PaRiS,MiLaN, GroNIngEn, MarKeTiNg, PR, AdvERtiSMent, InteRnatiONAl PeOPle, IntERnatiONal StuFf, DiNNers with FriEndS, PartiES, ClUbS, CoNceRts&FeStivALs,MetRIc,PeTS, PhotoGRAphy, NaTuRe,VeRy hiGh hIllS shOEs, PsiCOloGy aND BeHAviOr StUdIes, DrAMAs, YoGa, PersOnaLIty teSTs, MoOd swiNGs, CrAzY laUGhS, CrYinG mOviEs,StuPiD joKeS, SUnnY dAyS, ChiLLin' NighTs, RoMANticism, GeTTinG loOOOoots of aTTentIoNs, The poWEr of haVIng an aTTitude, BEIng sUspiCIOus, JelOUsy, CreatIvItY, IndIvidUAlisM, KiSSes
Rock me now