Without the veil of darkness, there can be no light.All photos are © The Collector.
No unauthorized use. Please respect copyrights.
Custom Music Player Skins and Skin Code by Eileen
End Code To Apply Music Player Skin
Photography, film, music, art, and collecting.
I love photography, film, art, and music. That is why I decided to join this 'myspace' world. There isn't to much to say about me. I'm just a person who loves beauty in all of its forms. I try to spend as much time as I can viewing different profiles, so if I request an add from you, it means I like your music, art, style, and find you interesting, etc.
Click to zoom in on my visitor map! You can also make your own!
Most of the music that I listen to is electronic and ambient in nature, however I enjoy several different styles.