Member Since: 12/20/2006
Band Website:
Band Members: Echoes From One To Another (CD Album)£9.99 inc. worldwide shipping.Click the above Nochex button to purchase the album securely through a credit card (myspace gives an external link warning, however the payment link is secure)Visit Symbolic Interaction Mailorder to purchase the album though Paypal.*My Shadow (Fine Art Print 12 x 16 inches)
£25 inc. worldwide shipping.
Click the above Nochex button to purchase the artwork securely through a credit card (myspace gives an external link warning, however the payment link is secure)*
Helix Branch
A distant dream village enshrouded by mist - a settlement that seemed lost among the trees, where I remember spending several days.
But precisely because a picture frame was attached to it, it seemed a landscape, and because I was convinced it was a landscape, it became transparent.
If the frame was removed, the mist would be quite ordinary.
Sounds Like:
In a dream I am standing,
At the entrance to a forest,
Here there are constructed,
Numberless arches that radiate light,
When I step through them at night,
My body floats gently in the air,
At this precise moment,
When I am on the cusp of sleep,
My shadow vanishes,
And with it my weight.
Meanwhile -
The teeth of the I who is in bed at the time begin to grind,
The lower half of my body springs up high (like a fish yanked out of water).
It makes the bed grind its teeth along with me.
A thousand springs,
Each with a different tone,
Split open like dry wood in a bonfire.
The grinding merges into the dream,
Echoes from one to another amongst the forest of arches
And begins to play
a funeral dirge for me.
Purgatory Mastering
Purgatory is a commercial audio mastering facility run by Rudi Arapahoe.
Record Label: Symbolic Interaction
Type of Label: Indie