Gates Of Eternity - No Concession
Gates Of Eternity - Last Pieces Of Hope
Gates Of Eternity - A NEW LEVEL demodownload link
*Bu linkten tüm A NEW LEVEL demosunuindirebilirsiniz:
Gates Of Eternity grubu 18 Ocak 2005’te Seçkin(vokal) ve Soykan(gitar) tarafindan kuruldu.Kuruldugu ilk günden beri beste çalismalarina agirlik veren grup kurulduktan 4 ay sonra konserlere baslamistir.Ilk konserine 20 Mayis 2005’te Izmir Roi Bar’da Lost Rock Fest’te çikan grup ardindan konserlere seri bir sekilde devam etmistir.Kuruldugu günden beri çesitli sebeplerden ötürü eleman degisikligi yasayan grubun nete yaydigi ilk kayit “Eternal Haze In Thy Dark Skyâ€olmustur.Bu parça bir çok kisi tarafindan dinlenilmis ve olumlu elestiriler almistir.Ardindan grup 22 Ocak 2006’da Izmir Dungeon’da çiktigi konserde yapilan bir oylama ile seyirciden en çok oyu alarak günün en begenilen grubu olmus ve hediye olarak bass gitar kazanmistir.Konserlere devam eden grup 18 Mart’ta Serdar Öztop’un altinda çiktiklari Istanbul Kemanci konserinden bir vidyolari ile de “Live Chaos DVD Compilationâ€da yer almistir.Grubun 5 parçadan olusan ilk demosu “Storm Behind The Gate†2006 Mayis ayinda tamamlanip piyasaya sürülmüstür.Her iki basimi da çok kisa sürede tükenen demo hem yurtiçinden hem de yurtdisindan çok olumlu tepkiler almis, ve gelen talepler üzerine Hollanda,Polonya,Almanya,Norveç ve Ingiltere gibi ülkelere yollanmistir.Bu demonun ardindan grupta çesitli eleman degisiklikleri olmustur ve grup takip eden Kasim ayinda yeni kadrosu ile “A New Level†demosunu yayinlamistir.Demo grubun yeni soundunu yansitmasi bakimindan grup için yeni bir basamak olmustur.Bu demo da ayni sekilde ilk demo gibi yurtiçi,yurtdisi çok olumlu tepkiler almistir.Grubun soundu Isveç death metal’ine yakin durmakla birlikte içinde thrash ve yeni nesil metalcore ögelerini barindirmaktadir.Ayrica grup soundunda Anadolu motiflerine de siklikla yer vermekte ve grup elemanlarinin ilgilendikleri diger tarzlardan gelen etkilesimlerini bünyesine katmaktadir.Grup konserlere devam etmektedir.Bu güne kadar Izmir’de bir çok kez konser veren grup Istanbul,Ankara,Eskisehir,Manisa,Usak gibi illerde de sahne almis ve seyircilerden olumlu tepkiler toplamistir.Yakin zamanda official sitesi açilacak olan grup albüm için promo kayitlara en kisa zamanda baslayacaktir.Bu baglamda grup albüm sirketlerinden ya da compilation yapacak fanzin,e-zine lardan gelecek teklifleri degerlendirecektir.Grubumuza a..a....daki adreslerden ula..abilirsiniz :Soykan KANAT (MENAJER)
Mail : [email protected]
Msn : [email protected]
Tel : 0555 680 77 00
The group, “Gates of Eternityâ€, has been founded in January 18th, 2005, by Seçkin (vocalist) and Soykan (guitarist). Since the first day of founding, the group has paid importance in lyrics and started giving concerts in 4 months. The first concert was held in May 20th, 2005, at Lost Rock Fest in Roi Bar, Izmir, and continued with series of concerts. The group that has many changes in terms of the members of the group has released its first record as “Eternal Haze In Thy Dark Sky†and this song has been listened by many people with positive comments.After the performance of the group in Izmir Dungeon in January 22nd, 2006, the group has been elected to be the best group of the day and had won a bass guitar. As a part of continuous concert program, the group performance in May 18th, 2006, in Istanbul Kemanci was recorded and the video of the concert has taken place in “Live Chaos DVD Compilationâ€. The first demo of the group that was composed of five songs, “Storm Behind The Gate†was completed in May and was released. The success of the first demo in the market was brought popularity in not only Turkey, but also in abroad. To begin with this successful start, the demand for the demo of the group has been occurred from Holland, Netherlands, Germany, Norway and England. After the changes in some of the group members, a new demo has been released in November that is called “A New Levelâ€. This demo is important in terms of the reflection of the new sound of the group.The sound of the group is similar to Swedish “death†and also it contains thrash and new generation metalcore elements. Because of the existence of these elements, the sound has similarities with the groups like Flames, Dark Tranquillity, Black Dahlia Murder, Quo Vadis, Unearth. In addition to this, the group sound includes Anatolian patterns and the other styles that the group members have been affected.The group is continuing with concerts in Izmir, Istanbul, Ankara, Eskisehir, Manisa, Usak(2) and these concerts have so positive comments from the audience. The official website of the group is coming soon and the promo records will be beginning shortly. The offers from music companies or e- zines that would like to make a compilation would be evaluated.For booking and managements :Soykan KANAT (MANAGEMENTS)
Mail : [email protected]
Msn : [email protected]
Tel : 0555 680 77 00
*2006 Storm Behind The Gate
02. Dark Screams Of Flames
03.Eternal Haze In Thy Dark Sky
04.The Suffering
05.Killer'n Rose
*2006 Live Chaos DVD
*2006 A New Level
01.Childhood Dead Toy
02. Hero Of The Lands
03.Last Pieces Of Hope
04.Volcano[New Version]
You can access the group from these mail addresses:
[email protected]
Gates Of Eternity:
Vokal:Seçkin SARPKAYA
Gitar:Soykan AYDIN
Gitar:Hakan KAMALI
Bass:Özgür DEMIR
Davul:Ozan Deniz KARAMAN