English: The band was established by Özer Lokmaci(guitar&vocal) in Ankara in 2005. After long searches of the bass guitarist(Erman Erkilinç) and the drummer(Atakan Gündogdu), the band completed their staff. They started to perform in the concerts in 2006, then in march of 2007 they put their first demo ,Trident Of Life, on the market. After the demo, they continued their concerts in a lot of cities such as: Konya, Ankara, Istanbul, Kayseri. They also performed different covers in addition to their own songs. First, they named their band as “Impulse†but after two years from the begining, they’ve changed band’s name as “Martensmith†‘cause of some trademark problems.In March 2008 ,after the Balikesir gig,Lead guitarist left the band and the new guitarist Ugur Saglam joined. Now the band is working on some new materials for new songs and projects.To communicate with the band and to propose organization, compilation or interview: [email protected] you can e-mail from the adress above or you can send messages from band’s official website or official myspace page www.martensmith.com www.myspace.com/martensmith
Türkçe: 2005 yilinda Özer Lokmaci(gitar&vokal) tarafindan Ankara’da temelleri atilan grup uzun süren davulcu ve bassçi arayislarindan sonra, Atakan Gündogdu(davul) ve Erman Erkilinç'la (bass gitar) kadrosunu tamamladi. 2006 yilinda konserlere çikmaya baslayan grup 2007 yilinin Mart ayinda ilk demo çalismasi Trident of Life'i piyasaya çikardi.Demo çalismasinin ardindan Konya, Ankara, Istanbul, Kayseri gibi birçok sehirde önemli organizasyonlarda sahne aldi. Yer aldiklari konserlerde demolarindaki bestelerin yani sira çesitli cover parçalara da yer verdiler. Grup, kurulduktan sonraki iki yil boyunca “Impulse†ismini kullandi ve çesitli telif hakki problemlerinden dolayi 2008 yili ile birlikte ismini “Martensmith†olarak degistirdi.2008 'in Mart ayinda Balikesir konserinin ardindan grubun Lead gitaristi cesitli sebeplerle gruptan ayrildi ve yerine Ugur Saglam geldi. Su anda grup yeni sarkilar ve çesitli projeler üzerinde çalismaya devam etmektedir. Grupla iletisim kurmak, compilation, röportaj organizasyon v.s. teklifinde bulunmak için: [email protected] adresine e-mail atabilir ya da grubun internette hizmet veren: www.martensmith.com ya da www.myspace.com/martensmith adreslerinin her hangi birinden mesaj yollayabilirsiniz
Mental Sequences(2009)
1.Intro (0:24)
2.Selffear (3.50)
3.Witchsmile (5:00)
4.Blare in the Night (4:37)
5.This is the Time (3:45)
6.Outro (0:59)
Recorded in Raven Studios by Kaya Sevinç & B.Uğur Aksoy
Trident of Life(2007)
1.Hellcome (7:09)
2.Fate in Hands (5:13)
3.Manifesting of Sins (5:54)
Recorded in Raven Studios by Kaya Sevinç & B.Uğur Aksoy
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