Y'aLL tHiS YoUr GiRl SaFfiYaH In this YeAr I'Ve cHanGed alot but in a gud
WaY You kno Im 15 now, So DefeNtLy more MaTuRe In now I kNoW My sElF More tHaN I've
EvEr haD bEfOre.
WELL... U Kno WhAt I'M Jus GonE gEt Right to the point
FoR aLl
y'All GuyS Out ThEre (YeS)!! I @M SinGlE ...... Y3@
So LeT Me JuS TeLl YoU AboUt Me
I'M VerY ConTenT But FuN, Im SweEt, GivInG AnD I Am Not The 1 To BrinG ThE Drama
BuT Don'T lEt The innOcEnt Face Fool yA
I can thrOw down If you GoT a ProbLeM} Wit The WaY I handle minE ThAn
{fuck] You!
But umm.... I Love tO loOk gud if im hAviNg a bAd HaIr Day I Will NoT lEaVe tHe hOuSe [lol] All y'aLl