Emily Alice - Fallen Princess profile picture

Emily Alice - Fallen Princess

Love Is Friendship On Fire!

About Me

My name is Emily Alice Ovenden and I am a singer and composer! I am lucky to work with some amazing projects, Mediaeval Baebes, Celtic Legend and PYTHIA.

I have an unhealthy appetite for Finish Metal, Red Wine, M.R James, Grave Yards, Ginger Blokes and Beards. I hang out with my Dog, Mrs Miggins and the Baebes in my home town of London but I was born in Cornwall and am a country lass at heart. Katharine, Rabbitt and I are known collectively as the Unholy Trinity and we love booze, food, music, dancing, and life, not necessarily in that order! I hope you like my music.

You can now download my new album with Celtic Legend ’Lyonesse’ from iTunes!
Download Lyonesse From iTunes Here

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My Interests


Member Since: 9/16/2006
Band Website: celticlegend.com
Band Members:

Celtic Legend - The Boatman

Influences: Richard Wagner (music not politics), Kate Bush, Black Sabbath, PJ Harvey, Bjork, Robert Schumann, Bach, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Marie Callas, Conchita Supervia, M.R James, Wilkie Collins, Josephine Hart, Sliva Plath, Lord Byron, Robert Burns, Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood, The Ruralists, The Lord of The Rings, David Bowie, dEUS, The Bronte Sisters, Wuthering Heights, Jane Eyre, Tom Waits, Nick Cave,ALL GREAT MUSIC
Sounds Like: The hissing of a dying serpant as it drowns in a vat of warm jam, but a bit better and with a a bit more of a tune. Not at all really but sounded better than saying Kate Bush sort of ish.
Record Label: Cover Drive
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

Celtic Legend - Sweet Rosemary

http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=VdDTfDDvdEk ...
Posted by Emily Alice - Fallen Princess on Wed, 16 Apr 2008 11:43:00 PST

Back Stage Passes

Rabbitt and I are always moaning about not getting enough backstage passes but I have to say we've had a good run of it of late. I think being in a metal project means more fun and frollocking in gene...
Posted by Emily Alice - Fallen Princess on Tue, 15 Apr 2008 08:36:00 PST

My Gardening Project

I spend a good amount of my time working with a Community Project in Hackney where I live. Over the last year I have been managing a project to create a community garden in the middle of a fairly grim...
Posted by Emily Alice - Fallen Princess on Tue, 08 Apr 2008 09:45:00 PST


Is anyone else as fucking bored as I am at the moment? Discuss!
Posted by Emily Alice - Fallen Princess on Sun, 30 Mar 2008 03:01:00 PST


OK me lovelies! We're flogging some PYTHIA T-shirts on-line in order to get some cash together so we can go out and drink more beer! Well save up to make an album more like. We have sizes for men and ...
Posted by Emily Alice - Fallen Princess on Thu, 17 Jan 2008 03:26:00 PST

Back At Work!

Well the holiday is finally over and I have to say I am delighted to be back at work! I have so much to do!PYTHIA AlbumBaebes AlbumCeltic Legend Album Finish The Ice Room It's going to be one hell of ...
Posted by Emily Alice - Fallen Princess on Mon, 07 Jan 2008 03:08:00 PST

Pythia Gig

Merry Christmas! I am in cornwall with my family and then I fly off to Norway for New Year. I have to say I think the PYTHIA gig on the 20th of Dec was the highlight of my year.  I loved ev...
Posted by Emily Alice - Fallen Princess on Tue, 25 Dec 2007 06:26:00 PST

Black Knight Of The Baebes

I have awarded Florida Phil the title of Black Knight Of the Baebes for his unfailing commitment to the Mediaeval Baebes, his constant support and his ability to drink hard and fast. His enthusiasm al...
Posted by Emily Alice - Fallen Princess on Mon, 10 Dec 2007 11:44:00 PST

PYTHIA & Tarja 20th of Dec 07

I'm really excited about my first gig with PYTHIA. We're supporting the Finnish Goddess Tarja formly of the brilliant NIGHTWISH. Her new album is fab so I'm very excited to be stepping foot on the sam...
Posted by Emily Alice - Fallen Princess on Sat, 01 Dec 2007 09:41:00 PST


The difference between playing Music in Germany and the UK is the catering. In Germany they give you a lot of booze and food and generally treat you nicely. Our tour bus is is quite snug with bunks on...
Posted by Emily Alice - Fallen Princess on Sat, 24 Nov 2007 11:33:00 PST