Honesty, Health, Living, Loving, Peace
My Swiss Bank Accountant
Almost All Music :)
Lots of Movies including but not limited to...LOVE JONES, THE PURSUIT OF FRIKIN HAPPYNESS!!!! Happy Feet, Deja Vu, Blood Diamond, Babel, For Your Consideration, Catch A Fire, The Departed, Santa Clause 3, Snatch, Coming To America, All the Madeas, Breakin, Breakin 2, What Women Want, Funny Girl, City of God, Hotel Rwanda, Kill Bill, Kill Bill 2, Food Network, Chicago, Kids, Our Song, Ray, Bad Boys of Comedy...anything funny, sad, educational, inspirational, involving dance,Kung fu flicks....just good $htuff
Not Much but when I can... Martin, Football, News , Basketball and Cheesy Reality Television, I.E: I Love New York OCT 5th BABY!!! 9pm Eastern
Right Now: T.D Jakes 365 Daily Devotional Journal and The Princess Di story again. The Enlightened Mind (never finished it before I lost it), The Grail Message and The Holy Bible. In the library: Archangels* Ascended Masters, In Her Own Words(The After-Death Journal of Princess Diana), The Secret Life of Bees, The Peaceful Warrior, The Tenth Insight, The Celestine Prophecy, Healing With The Fairies, As a Man Thinketh, The Autobiography of Assata Shakur, Erotic Noir, Chocolate Flava, Memoirs of A Geisha and more in a box at Mi Ma's
God, Jesus, Mi Ma, Monks, Political Prisoners, Babies