Miss Behaviour profile picture

Miss Behaviour

Heart of Midwinter

About Me


Chapter I - Party starter
Miss Behaviour was formed in autumn 2003 by Erik Heikne and Henrik Sproge. Henrik and Erik were both studying Music Management at the Baltic Bussiness School in Kalmar, Sweden, when the idea of Miss Behaviour first came up. With a great passion for 80’s heavy metal, they decided to start the band just to have fun and to satisfy their burning rock ambitions.
The line up was soon reinforced by the vocalist Mattias Wetterhall. Henrik, Erik and Mattias had been playing together before in a band called Ravenlords, so the decision to ask Mattias to join the band was pretty easy. They knew that he had a great voice and that he shared their fascination for the music. The fourth member to join in was Sebastian Gustafsson, who also had a past in Ravenlords. Sebastian brought a great humor and a true rock star attitude to the band.
At this time the band had not yet turned very serious about their music. It was pretty much just a fun weekend project. The goal was at first just to record a demo. The songs that they finally recorded were called "Hungry Nights", "Rock’n Roll Addiction" and "Give me the world". The demo named, "Give us the World" was released at their website in spring 2004. The reaction of the public kind of took the band by suprise. They were not really expecting such good criticism and enthusiastic press. Though, "Give us the world" never gave Miss Behaviour the glamour nor fame it craved, it sure made the band much more self-confident and instead they got eager to give more to the world.
Chpter II - Heart of Midwinter
The members of Miss Behaviour started to take the band and their music much more serious. The Lyrics got alot more personal and less fictional. The 80’s were never thrown out, beacuse the atmosphere stayed in the music, but they didn’t try to copy something old, the plan was to turn it into something new. This time Miss Behaviour set their aim on a full length album. A huge songwrting project took place during the winter 2004/2005. Erik and Henrik moved back home to Norrköping, after being located in Kalmar for three and a half years. Henrik even took the decision to quit playing drums to focus just on the Keyboards. The sticks were handled over to an old friend of the band called Hampus Landin. Hampus were not used to the plain rock beats which was called for in Miss Behaviour. But once he got in to it, he was stuck.
Miss Behaviour entered Realtime Recording Studio in april 2005 to start the recordings of their debut album. This huge 8-month long project ended up as the full length album "Heart of Midwinter". Samples from the album is to be found on this site. 2006 is an important year for the band and the management group. Now it is time to convince the rest of the world what we allready know. We’re here to stay and the "Heart of Midwinter" is our way of showing you that. To be continued...
In 2006 the band released "Heart of Midwinter". The album was very well received by fans and press. Anders Hjärtström replaced Mattias Wetterhall on the vocals during 2006.

My Interests


Member Since: 9/16/2006
Band Website: missbehaviour.se
Band Members: Anders Hjärtström - Vocals
Erik Heikne - Guitars
Sebastian Gustafsson - Bass
Henrik Sproge - Keyboard

On Heart of Midwinter
Hampus Landin - Drums (2005-2007).
Mattias Wetterhall - Vocals (2003-2006).

Influences: Magnum
Yngwie J Malmsteen

among others

Record Label: Midwinter Music / NL Distribution (Europe)
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

Pre Production-demos of new songs online!

Miss Behaviour are curently working on the new album and we decided to share a little bit of the new material with all of you. There are samples from five new songs online. Please note that these are ...
Posted by Miss Behaviour on Fri, 09 May 2008 11:29:00 PST

Vote for the song "The Shine"

Hi everybody!Support Miss Behaviour and vote for the song "The Shine" in the Tele2 Talent competition. Thanx for supporting Miss Behaviour. The band is currently doing rehearsals for the new album. ...
Posted by Miss Behaviour on Wed, 23 Apr 2008 11:42:00 PST

Update on the new album

Hi there,Some news for you regarding the new Miss Behaviour album. We have very strong tracks coming up for the follow up album to "Heart of Midwinter". The yet untitled album will be released during ...
Posted by Miss Behaviour on Tue, 11 Mar 2008 11:30:00 PST

*NEWS* New album 2008*

*News*31/01 2008Hi there!Miss Behaviour are currently writing and rehearsing new material for the follow up-album to "Heart of Midwinter". The songs are coming up strong and even though old fans will ...
Posted by Miss Behaviour on Thu, 31 Jan 2008 09:30:00 PST

Update from the band

Hello people I have the best possible news for you today. We've been busy with the pre-recordings of the new album for a couple of weeks and it sounds superb. We don't like to brag about it ...
Posted by Miss Behaviour on Thu, 04 Oct 2007 02:08:00 PST

Augustifesten -07 (Open air gig with The Poodles)

We had a great gig at augustifesten in Norrköping this weekend and it all went fine, even though we struggled with a lousy sound on the stage. We were really happy to see that alot of p...
Posted by Miss Behaviour on Mon, 13 Aug 2007 04:45:00 PST

Vote Miss Behaviour!!

Hi everybody! Support Miss Behaviour and visit http://norrkoping.expressen.se/veckanshit to vote for the song "The Shine" as "song of the week". Thanx for supporting Miss Behaviour. The band is c...
Posted by Miss Behaviour on Mon, 04 Jun 2007 02:42:00 PST

Good and bad news

Bad news first&The progress of the forthcoming Miss Behaviour album got delayed last weekend when keyboard player Henrik Sproge got his left hand seriously injured in an unfortunate hit and run accide...
Posted by Miss Behaviour on Fri, 30 Mar 2007 05:22:00 PST

Lot's of Reviews and airplay

Oh yes, we've had a fantastic winter, thank you very much! There's been so much going on in the Miss Behaviour camp during the winter so I don't even know where to begin. We've managed a full scale eu...
Posted by Miss Behaviour on Fri, 02 Mar 2007 01:59:00 PST

Miss Behaviour announces new singer!

Hi there! Miss Behaviour is proud to introduce the talented singer Anders Hjärtström as new lead singer in Miss Behaviour! Anders is the perfect choise for Miss Behaviour's future albums and tours. An...
Posted by Miss Behaviour on Sat, 18 Nov 2006 09:22:00 PST