I spend many hours in the GYM and way to many hours in my running shoes (Saucony rules), tons of MUSIC of course, FILM, TRAVELING around the globe, FISHING, DOGS, CATS and my very own survival kit called TONS OF FOOD! I am a hardgainer you know. I use to like the winter best, but nowdays i prefer the summertime and all the happy people around. Afterall it is a privilege to have four seasons up here in the northern parts of Scandinavia.....
Listen up everyone! This is a place where i will present new and old burning hot VIDEOS with melodic bands and solo artists that you only thought existed in your wildest dreams. This will give you some extra ordinary ACTION and a very special moment, so please have a closer look at the VIDEO down below. Feel free to write me a mail or a comment and let me know what favorite VIDEO you would like to have here at this spot and i will add it as soon as i can. Fasten your seatbelts because here we go and do not forget that this is where you get the coolest melodic AOR/HARD ROCK and METAL highlights first.
I once dedicated my soul to "BRIGHT EYES MAGAZINE" that later transformed into SWEDEN ROCK MAGAZINE. After that i got recruited to AOR DREAM ZONES. I have hand in hand with these magazines also done promotion work for bands, labels and for others. At the moment i moved my strength to SWEDEN METAL MUSIC ENTERTAINMENT (www.smme.se)where i will be doing some promotion and other things that comes along with it. We will see what the future will bring to me when it comes to that. I also hope i can get the ball rolling for babys like THE ROCKER, STAINLESS STEEL and CLEAN, but most of all i dedicate my soul to MELODIC ROCK - AOR - HARD ROCK - HEAVY METAL and PROGRESSIVE METAL. ..
My favourite actor is MICHAEL DOUGLAS, but a movie i like to watch over and over again is the ACTION film POINT BREAK... It gives me that "Free Like A Bird" feeling. I also recommend music lovers and lost hard rock souls out there to see ALMOST FAMOUS, so cool and so classic... Another huge favorite movie i like to watch over and over again is the BIG BLUE. It is something very special with that film and it just gets better and better over the years...
I do not see that much TV right now, but "SEINFELD" always gives me a big smile on my face. Oh! I forgot. TRACK & FIELD is pure pleasure too, i can not live without it. I should be more interested in watching music DVDs, but i have a hard time to get the right feeling. I guess i prefer the live version better.....
Well! Books have not been a favourite of mine, not in school and not in my free time either, but i have manage to read TRACYS REVENGE from the first page to the last. I must be better on this and one day i will dig my way into some interesting Books, but they are very good for PUSHUPS and other ACTIVITIES, so in one way i like books pretty much.....
My parents (the best you can get) and all the VOLUNTEER workers around the world that help other people/animals to survive... And of course all the amazing METAL & HARD ROCK bands that made my days so many times in my life... What would the EARTH be without you guys. God bless you all.....