movies. staying out of trouble....... yelling at strangers cause i'm maladjusted like that.
What horrible Edward Gorey Death will you die?
You will perish of fits. Repeat this to yourself: "Things can work out even if I don't get my way. Things can work out even...."
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I am 82% Asshole/Bitch.
.. I am one of those people that love to hear the sound of their voice. That and my lousy attitude make for a mixture as toxic next-day-mexican-dinner-ass-drip. Take the
Asshole/Bitch Test
@ FualiDotCom I am 84% Tortured Artist.
.. Angst, and bitter resentment drive me to create works that not a single idot will ever come close to grasping. Ah, the raw and unforgiving statements that bleed from my soul are so misunderstood. Take the
Tortured Artist Test
@ FualiDotCom
1.urine again an again cause hes fucking funny that's why!
2.thompson (next world)
6.manson (any) Artist on Artist - Marilyn Manson and Danny Elfman
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8.terry o'quinn
9.pogo the clown
10.satan/god either one, preferrably in the form of a kitten
11. a kitten
if you dont like ricky diamond then fuck you, MINDLESS SELF INDULGENCE, public enemy number one, bikini kill, tracy bonham, ICP, PJ HARVEY, ze stones, ze beatles, men with hats, devo, ani difranco, tori amos, and alice cooper and marilyn manson motherfucker. also soundtracksput together by john waters. odb, butthole surfers, king missile, disco fag shit, (EVERYBODY DANCE NOW). Winnie the Pooh Worships Satan
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I'm watching YOU right now, otherwise anything Buscemi, anyhting tarantino, anything with seth green, any of the caulken kids, manson (cant wait for fantazmagoria), depp, pitt, jolie, tim burton, illeana douglas, deniro, pachino, welles is the fucking man, polanski, tim roth, eddie bunker, ed norton, ed furlong, JOHN WATERS IS THE MAN! BRICK, scorsese, coppola (either) kubrick, hal hartly, wes anderson, pt anderson,
turn off that bullshit! buy the good ones (or burn 'em like everyone else does) and call comcast and tell them to go to hell until we can order by channel.fuck....but we have all chappelle stuff, 2 seasons of the office, stella, LOST(oh i crave more lost, it's crack with a spritz really), ATHF,Family guy, ventures, space ghost, sealab, serial killer specials on a&e and biography channels...
What Family Guy Character Are You?
The Angry Monkey
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Hosted By me know no haw tuh reeede. i read the back of movies all day. and subtitles, oh and the newspaper, as though commiserating with all the children being murdered and raped is going to change a fucking thing. but i dig on the beat stuff (on the road) and thompson (read generation of swine, some of hells angels and of course the fear and the loathing) terry goodkind is a badass.... oh and predictably, in my toilet room, i am reading school books usually, i read aboot movies, and its usually on ze crappie'
1.urine- totally enigmatic no matter how much shit he talks because its all about unicorns and dinosaurs and what a fag you are. 2. ani-refused to be a whore for sleazy producers so she started her own record label. (see above) 3. thompson-total fuckup, legend for exploiting that 4.depp- born poor, owns a carribean island, played thompson 5.tarantino-he's the master crafter 6. john waters- trash artist 7. my toilet- if it were'nt for potty, life would be shitty.