Comics On The Green ----- 307 N. Washington Ave. Scranton, PA 18503570-342-5960.....Store Hours: Sun 1-5 Mon 10-6 Tues 10-6 Weds 10-7 Thurs 10-6 Fri 10-6 Sat 11-5 ---Email: [email protected] ---- On Ebay: Comicsonthegreen1
Alan Moore. And as cool as I think I would try to be, I'd start by being intimidated, and finish by stumbling over my words, and possibly drooling. Could throw up depending on what I ate that day.
White Stripes, Primus, Rage Against the Machine, Audioslave, Reigning Toads, Dave Matthews, Beck.
Hall of Fame choices: The Unforgiven, One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, Amadaeus, Fight Club. And on the lighter side, Blazing Saddles, Multiplicity (underrated wacky film).
Hall of Fame choices: All in the Family, Sanford & Son, Happy Days, Cheers. Newer stuff: Arrested Development, Dead Like Me, Angel, My Name is Earl, The Office.
Too many to list.
My Mom, Dad, Gram. All war veterans, but especially the WWII generation. And Uncle Scrooge McDuck. Don't laugh.