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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me


Welcome to my little bit of space, thanks for popping by - what would you like to drink?Originally from a wee village called Rainford in the North West of England. That's near St.Helens, home of Pilkingtons Glass, Pimbletts Pies, Saints RLFC World rugby league champions, and Liverpool, home of the Beatles, scallies, the European cup and winner of European city of culture.Been on overseas adventures since 1998 and never went home. Now live in Auckland, New Zealand.Met my fabby hubby Pedro in the Philippines - he's a fellow Pommie hailing from Bristol.Just recently (FINALLY THANK GOD!!)jacked in the corporate bollocks to fly solo and do my creative thang. *Breathes massive sigh of relief*Ahhh. Did you want tea or coffee or shall we get right in there and make some cocktails?

My Interests

Trying to master my tekkie crapness and learn how to do more stuff arty-like on computer but still love to draw and paint and colour-in and use glitter and egg cartons and glue and stuff (okay maybe not egg cartons...) Get Your Own! | View SlideshowGet Your Own! | View Slideshow

I'd like to meet:

Jamie and his magic torch. The mice on the mouse organ. Derek Accorah. Dr Seuss. Steve Irwin.. Copied from -- Find me on MySpace and be my friend!


Literally anything but that EMO shit or RnB. Right now particularly in love with CSS, Kasabian & Arctic Monkeys. Still love uplifting grindy dance music- hey, my teen & twenties stomping grounds were the Quad Cream, Moneypennies, The Hacienda, Southport Weekender and any illegal warehouse, field or beach going - how DID we do all those mass convoys without a mobile phone between us???


24 Hour Party People, Monsters Inc, Priscilla Queen of the Desert, Towering Inferno and the original Poseidon Adventure, Jaws, Lost in Translation,The Notebook (possibly the saddest story ever!) Withnail and I, Annie, Grease, Southpark bigger longer uncut, Whalerider


BRATCAMP. Gordon Ramsay. Corro. Dragons Den (UK version). erm erm erm, struggling now.


I'll give anything a bash but it must suck me in in the first page. Personal fave author Irvine Welsh


Dr Seuss

My Blog


Have just been to my house. It's early fucking morning and they are rat-tat-a-tatting on my door. I just closed the door when actually I wish I had RANTED at them. Be a fucking Jehovas Witness by all ...
Posted by Boopino on Mon, 26 Mar 2007 02:41:00 PST

Boopino online

The that is up right now is not the real one, although the wonderful butterfly animation made by my good friend Tor in Melbourne is still fantastic and still in the new site. I have been c...
Posted by Boopino on Sun, 18 Mar 2007 02:24:00 PST

Holy Crapola - Rats & Maggots

Tis early while I write this. Harry-Bear just brought in asecond live rat. At least Pete was here this time. Lying in bed heard that unforgettable squeaking that is CORNERED RAT and Pete and I crept i...
Posted by Boopino on Wed, 28 Feb 2007 09:32:00 PST

Un chuffin belieeeevable!!

I have just nipped to my local bank to pay in some cheques and bumped into my first ever Kiwi friend, who I worked with in London, in 1993 and haven't seen since!We lost touch completely. I was 21 the...
Posted by Boopino on Wed, 28 Feb 2007 06:46:00 PST

Mothers Day Design

UK Mothers Day is next month so have added a Mother's Day card to my collection.  The real website for boopino is coming on a treat behind the scenes -can't wait until I can unleash it with every...
Posted by Boopino on Mon, 26 Feb 2007 01:21:00 PST


..GOT back from the doctors to be told that, wait for it, my cholesterol is 'through the roof'!!!!!!!!!!!! My cholesterol???? Isn't that what old people worry about??? My fkn cholesterol??????? &nb...
Posted by Boopino on Thu, 22 Feb 2007 06:26:00 PST

Stupidness & Porn Stars

Oh Friday Friday Friday, I was meant to enrol in belly dancing classes (I know) and instead chose Friday night drinks doon toon. A few wines were quaffed and a bit of scran (bar-pizza) and then the co...
Posted by Boopino on Sun, 18 Feb 2007 10:23:00 PST

10 random facts

Thanks Cate, I have copied & pasted  your intro blurb (being so good),here: "So here's the thing see. Ya get tag...
Posted by Boopino on Thu, 15 Feb 2007 05:56:00 PST

ECards and Pommies

I now have free E Cards as part of my developing behind the scenes website and I am SO EXCITED!! It is coming together fabulously now. Also out english mates arrive on Sunday. The weather has been red...
Posted by Boopino on Thu, 25 Jan 2007 02:11:00 PST

It's up and starting to look sexaay! My friend the wonderful wonderful Tor in Melbourne has been beavering away on my business website for gratis and I can't thank her enough.  She animated my lo...
Posted by Boopino on Mon, 22 Jan 2007 10:45:00 PST