Organic vegetarian meals, Transcendental Meditation, Friendly community with students from over 63 different countries, Fairfield, Sustainable living, World Peace, Art Walk, Fascinating conversations, Being Happy, living in the moment, enlightenment, expanding awareness.
If you’re like many students, you’ve probably felt that something has been missing in your education so far. You may wonder:* Shouldn’t there be more to education than just taking in information? * Why isn’t my education developing me as a human being? * Isn’t there some underlying connection among all the different subjects I’m studying? * What does the knowledge I’m studying have to do with my life?If you have have ever pondered these questions, then I must meet you at once.
The Beatles, Donovan, Gandharva Veda, Music from the students
What the Bleep do we know?, the Secret
The Science of Being and Art of Living, Bhagavad Gita, Student Blogs
Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, Superman.