ISBN 978-0-9553853-1-5208 Pages, 6 illustrations.
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"...Simply a fascinating read and a real eye-opener!"
Weed World, issue 70, 2007.
"...A must have for every toker for sure!"
Rob Griffin, 420 Magazine.
"...It's not flakey; you won't feel like you're reading "New Age," neo-pagan, crystal-laden, vegan propaganda... If you're serious about exploring the annals of your consciousness without dropping anything harder than a brownie, this is the book for you!"
Skunk Magazine, Issue 4. 2007
NEW RELEASE!: Latest work by Simon Jackson:
An indispensable book for busy people wanting to relieve tension and increase their capacity for productive thinking. Using modern Mind-Hacks and techniques from the Eastern meditation traditions and , 'Brainworks' is a powerful answer to modern stresses, written particularly for those who rely on their creativity on a daily basis.
Creatives, those employed in every field from computer programming to journalism and engineering, can be so locked into their working mind-state that they find it impossible to let go of it at home. Unable to relax, their productivy and health eventually suffer, and the possibility of career burnout looms ever larger. Simon Jackson provides a clear understanding of the way constant creativity can adversely impact the imaginative mind, and offers simple methods of overcoming these effects. Brainworks is the first book to show not only how to cope with stress and still maintain a busy lifestyle, but also how to get more out of your free time too.
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