!!! A cosmocidal event(classified) has been discovered & identified. Numerous resources have been assigned to resolve this threat to earth life. Present countdown to event is 33 months !!!
You may also refer to
me using the title "AL", honorable "AL", noble "AL",
sorcerer "AL", horny "AL",
etc! I like girls(girls kinda add some fun to life), music, hobbie
projects(research & creativity), etc. I'm comfortable with the responsible use
of cannabis, beer, some wines, spiced rum, muchacha sucia cunilingüe del amor, etc.
I actually witnessed an
unidentified vessel(USO/UFO) which is described in my blog. I wasn't actually
contacted due to security by the visitors attempting to establish
communications. When I asked the extraterrestrials their visitation purpose, I
was informed to document evolution history of earthlife plus download new music
& movies to be reviewed throughout the universe. I was invited to be earth
liaison to the United Planets of the Universe. I accepted & was assigned
commander of the Milky Way Galaxy. My first act was to declare the United
Planets exempt from our copyright rules.
Hard core drugs/dope such as heroin, cocaine, & amphetamine are unallowable/prohibited on my premise.