Music, djing, culinary, tarot, angels, fantasy art, b&w pics, cybergoth style, adventure sports, languages, et cetera.
Bands related to my music preferences, webradios, magazines, record labels and friends.
Electronic, EBM, Industrial, dark-electro, electro-goth, gothic-rock, doom metal, futurepop, synthpop, new wave, 80..s, flashouse, trance, goa, house, electro, trip-hop and downtempo.
Any animation movie. They are terrific!
No way. TV makes people dumb! :P
Anne Rice, Douglas Adams, Isaac Asimov and a bunch of brazilian authors like Luis Fernando VerÃssimo, Clarice Lispector, Paulo Leminski and Carlos Drummond de Andrade are my favourite ones, but I..m open to new experiences. So, if you have a good suggestion just shoot it!
They exist to protect us, right? I..m all by myself... no heroes to save me now!