donkeys, theatre, cinema and robotics. robotic art.
robotic art, cinematic self destructing robotic art, new media art, interactive art, haunted attraction robotic art and animatronics, televisual masks, electronic art, kino-automat and interactive cinema, stop motion animation, BioArt, kinetic sculpture, dance. holograms. the situationists, guerilla art and theatre, invisible theatre, the theatre of the oppressed, the Cricot 2, the german expressionists, art communes, fort thunder, Pure Data, C, viral art, the readymades, anemic cinema, Max/Msp/Jitter, the lost robotic art of leonardo da vinci.
the crash test collective unconscious, the culture and sociology of fear, art therapy, crash test dummies as symbols, social constructionism, urban legends, dream theory, the DSM IV, authority and its manifestations, the cultural meme, power, television, cinema and the act of sitting quietly like a watching and listening lemon, in the dark, for hours, comatose, peace, propoganda understood only as entertainment, the sociology of violence, pharmacological oppression, the war on drugs, diagnoses of insanity, falling asleep in the cinema, carl jung and the collective unconscious, freud and beyond the pleasure principle, the 8-circuit model of consciousness, the carceral continuum, LEAP, the death drive, EEG's, EMG's, dissociation, the day of the dead.
Light, color, time, movement, and the macro. Mayan glyphs and art, ancient Mayan astronomy, archaeoastronomy, the sarcophagus of Pacal, the Tzolk'in calendar and long count, the moons of Jupiter and Saturn, the Kuiper belt, the Oort Cloud, Eris, Orcus, Sedna, Varuna, Quaoar, ('phi') the golden ratio.
crash art, mayan asrtonomy, the planet venus, copernicus, galileo, laika the dog, and mike brown of CalTech. samuel alderson, janet cardiff, the folks at voter action and black box voting, survival research labs, chris burden, burning man, jean tinguely, kurt cobain, eleanor roosevelt, russ feingold, jean-luc godard, nam june paik, the brothers quay, tadeusz kantor, shakespeare, george orwell, marcel duchamp, michel foucault, sigmund freud, gillian wearing, simon laroche, martin peach, and all the artists who together created the now bulldozed art commune space once called Fort Thunder (Providence, RI, 95-01)