spinning, cycling, podcasting, itunes, music, camping, dogs, cats, photography, LOST, Survivor, ER, The Amazing Race, movies
I'd like to meet:
Lance Armstrong, Tyler Hamilton, Kermit the Frog, Michael Moore, Martin Scorsese, Sally Fields, Spike Lee, Bill Maher, Dr. Demento, Michael Palin, Emo Philips, Lauren Bacall
INDIE: A plus D, Atlantica 35, Big Joe Burke, Catherine Carrie, The Cloves, Dee Girdlert, DigitalStrike, Nick Murray, The Souljazz Orchestra, Stereo Movers, Tracey Saxby, Uncle Seth, Whitney Steele
THE REST: Bebel Gilberto, Coldplay, David Bowie, The Clash, The Cure, Garbage, The Hives, Iggy Pop, The Jam, Kate Bush, Los Straightjackets, Pat Metheny, Transglobal Underground, U2, X, XTC, zZz
My Life's soundtrack
How to Play:
1. Open your library (iTunes, Winamp, Media Player, iPod, etc)
2. Put it on shuffle
3. Press play
4. For every question below, type the song that’s playing
5. When you go to a new question, press the nextbutton
6. Don’t lie and try to pretend you’re cool …
Here are mine:
Opening Credits:
Two-Timing Touch and Broken Bones - The Hives
First Day At School:
Kashmir - Led Zeppelin
Falling In Love:
Wrapped Around Your Finger - The Police
Breaking Up:
What If - Coldplay
Soul Soothing - Helen Garcia
Mental Breakdown:
Hand of Fate - The Rolling Stones
Medication - Garbage
Getting Back Together:
I Want The One I Can't Have - The Smiths
Wedding Scene:
Pictures Of You - The Cure
Final Battle:
Under Pressure - Queen & David Bowie
Death Scene:
Everybody Hurts R.E.M
Funeral Song:
Vacation - The Go Gos (okay this is too weird!)
End Credits:
Viens Habbi - Cheb Mami
Boulevard of Broken Songs - Green Day vs Oasis
THX-1138, Casino, American Beauty, Treasure of the Sierra Madre, Super Size Me, Enron: The Smartest Guys In The Room, Bowling For Colombine, Zelary, The Grudge, Apocalypse Now, Good Fellas, Sid and Nancy, A Clockwork Orange
LOST, Survivor, ER, The Amazing Race, Six Feet Under, Battlestar Galactica, The West Wing, OZ, Homicide Life On The Street, Studio 60, Monty Python, Little Britian, Property Ladder, Ramsey's Kitchen Nightmares, The Block
Brother Grimm, The Time Travelers Wife, A Day In The Life of Ivan Desonovich, A Clockwork Orange, Black Dahlia (anything by James Ellroy), The Once and Future King, LOTR,
Lance Armstrong and anyone battling or helping in the fight against cancer.
Think Smoothies, Think Fair Trade