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About Me

No fatties.

My Interests

Beer, Poontang, and the Devil; Hot Tubs; Coffee; Vikings; Books; Explosions; History; The Apocalypse; Guns; Gambling; Druids; Crossword Puzzles; Brooding; Dance Fighting; Flintknapping; Sailing; Carryin' On

I'd like to meet:

Ben Murphy


Manowar. Just Manowar.


Anything put on video in the 80's with "Blood", "Rock and Roll", or "Dead" in the title


MST3K; Kids in the Hall; Rome; Masterpiece Theater


Nabakov, Melville, Umberto Eco, Douglas Adams, Thomas Hardy, Ambrose Bierce, Mark Twain, Poe, Norman Mailer, Hunter S. Thompson, Ray Bradbury, Vonnegut, John Kennedy Toole, Joseph Conrad, Patrick O'Brian; History, Science, what have you


Rafael, a homosexual ex-Catholic monk from Oaxaca who is a professor of linguistics and whose goal "is to have the courage to pull the trigger" and kill himself when he turns forty. This guy is for real. I'm friends with him. He lives in Houston. No bullshittin'.