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I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

I am from New caledonia where I was born and grew up till 19. My exotic skin is due to my mother who's tahitian.I am living in Paris because I am in love with that city, the most romantic in the world to me.
After my studies(in bordeaux),I started to work for fashion as a men model manager( not for a long time), and as a make up artist for 12years.
As I was (lesser now)an inveterate clubber, I organized some parties, afters parties in Paris, that is the reason of my consideration and interest for Dj's.
Since, my bugg in 2000,I have been working for a famous LGBT french web site where I am also carrying an agenda for parties.
I am quite shy, reserved, and a bit wild that is the reason of my strange attitude...but I love you all!

My Interests

Tout ce qui concerne l'homme, l'univers, les sens, les sciences, la musique, le voyage, tout !
Anything concerning people,universe,senses, sciences,music, trip around the world, everything !

I'd like to meet:

"Toi qui différes de moi, loin de me léser tu m'enrichis " St Exupery


Toutes les musiques, notamment électroniques mais aussi d'origine éthnique,tribale. J'écoute donc à peu près de tout ou presque: Disco,Funk,soul,garage,house et beaucoup de mé surtout j'adore danser !!
All the musics, notably electronic but also music that have ethnics origins or tribal.I can listen to all kind of sounds, or most of them...I am found of disco, funk, soul, garage, house and a good deal of mixxxx...and above all I LOVE DANCING ! You will find here, some Djs I know and like but as the list can be quite long,I'll try to complete it as I feel it :)
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Les films fantastiques, de sciences fiction,historiques, d' bien d'autres encore...
Fantastic movies and author's films....and much more...


Les documentaires, magazines,news,films...
Documentaries, magazines,news, movies...


Jules Vernes, Maupassant,Beaudelaire, Rimbaud,HG Wells, Camus,Suskind.. so many...


Superman, Wonderwoman, Spiderman,Catwoman, Batman, and U