LiL1Raven profile picture


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About Me

Music is my first love and it will be my last.... which doesn't mean that I don't have a lovelife but it means that music is a passion that will always play an important role in my life. As a singer, composer,dj and songwriter i've come to find out that the music industry is a tough bizz but you gotta keep doing what you love doing and not give up or back down just because others have another opinion of what your sounds should be like.I'm a typical sagitarean , born in december and i came across a rather explicit description of the SAGITTARIUS - The Promiscuous One !Spontaneous. High appeal. Rare to find. Great when found. Loves being in long relationships. So much love to give. A loner most of the time. Loses patience easily and will not take crap. If in a bad mood stay far away. Gets offended easily and remembers the offense forever.NOT hehe . Loves deeply but at times will not show it as it feels it is a sign of weakness. Does fear things but will not show it. VERY private person. Defends loved ones with all their abilities. Can be childish often. Not one to mess with. Very pretty. Very romantic. Nice to everyone they meet. Their Love is one of a kind. Silly, fun and sweet. Have their own unique appeal. Most caring person you will ever meet! Amazing in bed..!!! Not the kind of person you want to mess with. Ouch some good , some bad... but okay ... don't mind the the bed part!! :) lol. >

My sound is a mixture of Rock and Soul with an Alternative twist. Currently I'm involved in two bands:



That's not the only thing i do for I'm also one of the Presenters/Host of the Alternative Music Radio program called "DONDERSLAG" which is a radioshow that airs a lot of good music going from unsigned bands to well known. Check it out: alternative radio : DONDERSLAG , every thursday and friday ! People 2 People Radio ... you talk and we do tend to listen to what you have to say. Request are always welcome.

My Interests

Music, People ,Cultures, Research,Movies,Writing, Art,Love and Life,Spirituality & The Paranormal, ( love light and Peace), fearfactors and doing fun stuff in general... like not take things too serious when it's not suppose to. lol. Things to do list :Parachute Jumping and Kite Surfing.My moto : Happiness resides not in the Possesions and not in gold. The feeling of happiness dwells in the soul.


Name: gwen
Birthdate: 12-10-70
Current Location: The Netherlands
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: blond ( dirty blond)
Height: 5.5ft
Piercings: both ears
Tatoos: nope not yet,too ticklish lol.
Boyfriend/Girlfriend: yes
Overused Phraze: really, aha yeah really
Food: Rice and Rendang ( indonesian)
Candy: oreo cookies
Number: 14
Color: red
Animal: Love to have a dog again when I've got time
Drink: coca cola / gatorade
Alcohol Drink: cuba libre ( rum and coke)
Bagel: raisins
Body Part on Opposite sex: mmm... the heart's most important!
Pepsi or Coke: coca colaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!
McDonalds or BurgerKing: neither rather have a wrap /durum chicken.. yam yam
Strawberry or Watermelon: strawberry
Hot tea or Ice tea: both
Chocolate or Vanilla chocolate but if it's icecream :amarena /cherry flavor
Hot Chocolate or Coffee: hot Chocolate
Kiss or Hug: both preferably
Dog or Cat: dog
Rap or Punk: something in between
Summer or Winter: summerrrrr
Scary Movies or Funny Movies: both
Love or Money: love but wouldn't mind some extra cash
Bedtime: nightbirdy
Most Missed Memory: where's my brain
Best phyiscal feature: eyes and smile ( naughty by nature)
First Thought Waking Up: turn on some music
Goal for this year: play as many gigs as possible
Best Friends: Kat, Mirjem, Roy, Hajé,Babette,Elize and Ella...
Weakness: stubborn and daredevil ouch not always a good combination
Fears: rather overcome than let fear get in the way of happiness
Heritage: positivity rulezzz
Longest relationship: 3 years
Ever Drank: yes
Ever Smoked: yes
Ever been Drunk: yes
Ever been beaten up: yes ( martial arts training after night out, ouch)
Ever beaten someone up: nope , why should I?
Ever Shoplifted: nope
Ever Skinny Dipped: yes
Ever Kissed Opposite sex: yes
Been Dumped Lately: no but have.. and that's not easy either.
Favorite Eye Color: as long as the eyes are sparklin it's alright
Favorite Hair Color: dark hair is def an eyecatcher for me
Short or Long: doesn't matter really as long as it's natural
Height: taller plz
Style: clean
Looks or Personality: sparklin with a possitive outlook on life but I know we can't always be sunshine and happy happy , anyway personality is important
Hot or Cute both please :)
Muscular or Really Skinny: why always the extremes.. like it nicely in the middle, don't need a hulk
Number of Regrets in the Past: learn from every mistake i make ... life is to learn
What country do you want to Visit: South & North America and Indonesia
How do you want to Die: may I live forever plz...
Been to the Mall Lately: yes.. windowshopping ain't fun
Do you like Thunderstorms: yes if i'm at home or inside
&..39;Get along with your Parents:' yes... it's all about respect from and towards
Health Freak: not a freak but do love to sport and eat salades
Do you think your Attractive: got some looks but not really thinking about Hot or Not
Believe in Yourself: yes
Want to go to College: been there done that.. but still don't mind learning more
Do you Smoke: yes at times
Do you Drink: yes at times
Shower Daily: yessss
Been in Love: oh yeah
Do you Sing: yesssssssssssss and Yessssssssss
Want to get Married: dunno
Do you want Children: dunno
Hate anyone: why hate when there's a possiblity to love


I'd like to meet:

Musicians, Vibrant Happy go Crazy people - Creative people, Spirituals , in general positive people who've got a love of life and have a great time being creative ... with things like music ,movies, sports and Humor which by the way is a lifesaver. Laughing is like food for the soul. Possitivity Rulez.
Ps... for those who are looking into creative designs for album covers or posters... check out this amazing sculpture/ 3D Designer : RINUS ROELOFS ( )
.. .... ..I edited my profile at , check out these Myspace Layouts!


Create your own visitor map!

Here's a clip to reminds us that HUMOR & A Good Laugh is Great for the SOUL. Pure Humor !John Ya Rule!


Wow Factor (I do love our music, so yes proud of it too), Anouk, Sass Jordan,Foo Fighters, Beth Hart, Tina Turner, Roisin Murphy,Aretha Franklin,Alicia Keys, Stereophonics, Guano Apes, Rich Wyman, Junkie Cousin,Danielle Egnew, Sean Wiggins,Kirsten Price,Starsailors, Uh Huh Her, Seal,Faithless,Lenny Kravitz, The Killers, Dandy Warhols, Goldfrapp, Moloko, Tiësto and so many others. If it's Groovy, Rocking,Electro,Acoustic, Funky,Soulful or Jazzy it doesn't matter as long as it makes me tick and go like mmmm me likessss.


Greenmile, Legends of the Fall, Mothman Prophecies, Bone Collector,Pay it forward,Ghandi,What dreams may come and loads of suspense Thrillers with a twist of paranormal substance and of course can't forget Comedy and true documentaries. Oh yeah all time classic: the outbound Journey Home.


Don't watch a lot of tv,but if I do it's probably Animal Planet ( monkey business , Animal Police),National Geographics,Discovery Channel,Cold Case, Medium, Numbers, CSI and Comedy Factor


Davinci Code, Oeroeg ,La Candide, John Holland Biography and lots of others... Love reading non-fictional .. and books that can teach me something ... yep never to old to learn...


mum and dad Yes I know it sounds corny but hey respect to them ... for I know that I was pretty obknoxious. lol Martin Luther King + all ya people who live for peace love and happyness and try to lend a hand to others ... Pay it Forward ... a good movie and a great message to the world.

My Blog

PRESENTING EXTRA HOUR 10.00 - 11.00 PM local time

EXTRA HOUR of Alternative Music at RTV HengeloIf you like alternative music ,come check out the radioshow called "Uurtje Apart which means The Different Hour " You can do this by tuning in online at :...
Posted by LiL1Raven on Thu, 21 Aug 2008 12:51:00 PST

Friday its off To Amsterdam

Vacationing in AMSTERDAM   Yes finally I have some time to relax chill and scout some good new bands. Tomorrow I'm off to Amsterdam for a well deserved break. So its time to pack my suitcase and ...
Posted by LiL1Raven on Fri, 08 Aug 2008 05:17:00 PST

New Playlist of Donderslag Radio August 7th & 8th

PLAYLIST OF DONDERSLAG : August 7th & 8th It's time for this weeks Playlist of the Alternative Music Radio show called Donderslag of RTV Hengelo. Donderslag is broadcast...
Posted by LiL1Raven on Thu, 07 Aug 2008 03:12:00 PST

Newest Playlist Donderslag Radio July 24th & 25th

PLAYLIST OF DONDERSLAG : July 24th & 25th It's time for this weeks Playlist of the Alternative Music Radio show called Donderslag of RTV Hengelo. Donderslag is broadcaste...
Posted by LiL1Raven on Thu, 24 Jul 2008 01:53:00 PST

playlist of Donderslag Radio June 26th & 27th

PLAYLIST OF DONDERSLAG June 26th & 27th It's time for this weeks Playlist of the Alternative Music Radio show called Donderslag of RTV Hengelo. Donderslag is broadcasted...
Posted by LiL1Raven on Thu, 26 Jun 2008 02:04:00 PST

PlayList of The Alternative RadioShow called Donderslag

PLAYLIST OF DONDERSLAG May 8th & 9th It's time for this weeks Playlist of the Alternative Music Radio show called Donderslag of RTV Hengelo. Donderslag is broadcasted li...
Posted by LiL1Raven on Fri, 13 Jun 2008 06:02:00 PST

Oops forgot Last Weeks Playlist : Donderslag Radio

PLAYLIST OF DONDERSLAG May 8th & 9th It's time for this weeks Playlist of the Alternative Music Radio show called Donderslag of RTV Hengelo. Donderslag is broadcasted li...
Posted by LiL1Raven on Mon, 02 Jun 2008 02:57:00 PST

DONDERSLAG RADIO Playlist May 22nd & 23rd

PLAYLIST OF DONDERSLAG May 8th & 9th DJ & Host : Gwen ( alias Wendelien )          Host&n bsp; :Petra    It's time for&n...
Posted by LiL1Raven on Thu, 22 May 2008 02:01:00 PST

New Playlist Donderslag Radio May 8th & 9th 2008

PLAYLIST OF DONDERSLAG May 8th & 9th DJ & Host : Max                       Gwen ( alias...
Posted by LiL1Raven on Thu, 08 May 2008 01:37:00 PST

Playlist Radio Donderslag April 10th & 11th 2008

PLAYLIST OF DONDERSLAG April 10th & 11th  DJ & Host : Gwen ( alias Wendelien )  Special Rocka / Psychobilly Host : Petra It's time for this weeks Playlist of th...
Posted by LiL1Raven on Fri, 11 Apr 2008 04:11:00 PST