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Temple of ANU


About Me

The Temple of Anu was founded in September of 1996. At that time it was called Het Kheper, meaning "The House of Transformation”. It was renamed “The Temple of Anu in 1999. It was developed as an extension of introductory cultural and spiritual concepts taught at the Ka Kheper Ra Shule of Afrikan warrior arts, founded by MFUNDI Shaka Ra and MFUNDI Shariyf Kheper also known as RA SANKHU T.A. KHEPER“OBJECTIVE”The Temple of Anu is an Afra-Kemetic (Kemetic cultural as it is and was practiced by ancient as well as Contemporary “melanated” people’s of Afrikan descent) Based spiritual house Kemmitted to Akhuut (spiritual matters). Akhuut is an outward cultural expression of internal spiritual goals and objectives.The Kera (shrine) within The Het (house) is dedicated to the NTRU RA which is sometimes associated with the NTRU HERU. Actually Heru is the Earthly manifestation of the Ra principle. Ra/HRU is “Higher or Universal Consciousness”. Through Kemmitting ourselves to such a principle we learn to grow out of the tendency of living life based on our narrow and often times negative traumas, complexes and issues. We teach and do research in Ari Kheperu (Our own Kemetic yoga and meditation system), Afrikan Warrior arts other spiritual sciences. Our curriculum is designed to develop ones character and personal power which results in heightened awareness (HRU). At the Temple of Anu initiate candidates are given a Shai Ari Sekeru (plans to arrange ones destiny, or “destiny reading”). This allows them to know who, what and where they are, and where they are needed to be in the universal order of things. Intense classes in meditation and philosophy will equip one with the necessary tools for becoming the master of ones own destiny. The objective is to serve the NTR or NeTeR (your highest sense of being), through ancient as well as modern practical rituals and ceremonies (culture). Initiates and supporters of the Temple of Anu innerstanding that successful Nation building cannot take place until each individual “especially” leader, successfully raise their present spiritual consciousness.“Anything built by mankind for its own sake will be its own undoing (Kemetic Proverb)”.
“We must dedicate ourselves to the NTR (The will of the universe) and then everything we do will be in its proper place in the universal order of things (Maat). Men are mortal Gods and Gods are mortal men. (Kemetic Proverb).”

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HEM NeTeR Ra Sankhu Kheper has been in the practice of spirituality and metaphysics for 20 yrs. He has been initiated through the shrines of Het Shemsu Maat Heru and Kera En Djhuty Heru Neb Hu. He is an Mfundi (Master Craftsman) In the Upatano Ngumi system of Warrior and Healing arts He is also a KaKa (Advanced practice) in the Manano Tano system of Kupigani Ngumi Afrikan Martial Arts as taught by Mfundishi Djhuty mes Hasaan K. SalimRA Sankhu Kheper is also a healer, C.N.C (Certified Nutritional Consultant) and Holistic Health practitioner who is the founder and Director of the Full spectrum Holistic Center in Plainfield N.J.