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still looking for nothing....

About Me

Ninja's have no need to explain themselves. But as long as you insist, here goes. LoftNinja is a New York City real estate broker/artist in Brooklyn who works on behalf of those with no where to turn- those being evicted or forced out of their homes or studios due to development, outrageous rent increases or just plain greed. For a little over 5 years, he has worked almost exclusively with artists in North Brooklyn neighborhoods that are undergoing a process of rapid change and development- in a word, 'gentrification.' Because artists are the first to be displaced from the neighborhoods which they create, LoftNinja has made it his job to find new spaces for them to live and work (not always simultaneously), as many who are losing their home to luxury high rise developments have no idea as to how to tackle a real estate search in a market that moves 3 times faster than the consumer mind can comprehend. LoftNinja is the UN-realtor in every way. He was the first to ever use art as his advertising medium and method and was the very first in (at least) America to offer his listings via RSS feed and podcast (textcast) from a blog. He not only thinks outside the box, he thinks about the box from within the box- yet, he will not be boxed in. Many consider him to be "real estate agent 2.0" as he focuses more upon the needs of people rather than the greed and dishonest aspects of the industry that most other agents end up adopting. LoftNinja is more of an anthropologist than a realtor and because of this, when its all said and done, he is a starving artist himself. Perhaps this is why he is still able to understand the side of the renter with no place to go. Perhaps this is why he is a better artist than real estate agent. Perhaps not. In any case, his ARTvertisements have become famous enough for anyone who has ever searched for space on the internet or in the streets of North Brooklyn to recognize. His art embodies the dynamic changes in which he involves himself, while attempting to promote transparency within an industry that (at times) seems to thrive upon the opaque nature of information and the shortsightedness of those who need it-all while following the most basic rule of anthropology. "Minimize the effect that you have on your study, while observing as if you were the study itself. In the end, LoftNinja hates real estate because of what it does to people. Therefore, it is only appropriate that he make fun of it to the best of his ability- everyday, for as long as he can stand calling it his job. It is an art for one to be able to sidestep greed in order to help another- to act consistantly in such a way as one would want to be treated if roles were reversed. It is a moral decision to 'do' real estate and in the end, you are helping someone either find progress or demise within the sphere of possibilities which one can steer another. Noone likes to move, especially when it isn't their idea to do so. When all is said and done, LoftNinja is a joke...just like the current real estate market.

My Interests

interested ..
LoftNinja will be listing apartments and space for rent via Twitter for a while-subscribe to stay updated...

I'd like to meet:

a real live ghost... artists, freaks, midgets, munchkins, giants, musicians, homeless, rappers, fiends, hippies, dreads, the uneducated, the angry, the hopeless and those that aren't anything...tell me somethingView All Friends | View Blog | Add Comment

LinkedIn Profile Get your LinkedInABox Torch Velvet Lounge Calendar Fundraiser for Breast Cancer Research
Purchase your 2008 Torch Velvet Lounge Calendar here with paypal, check or money order. You can either pick it up at 545 King Street (Torch) or we can ship it to you. Calendars can also be purchased at the bar as well.

Torch 2008 Calendar

Available on

Visit the store we have set up for the calendar, if you like at Shopit . Visit Torch Velvet Lounge online at this website . You can also add Torch as your friend on Myspace by visiting our profile . Thanks from the crew at Torch!. ..table People I'm Interested in meeting
- Starving Artists
- Sweaty Models
- Insane Photographers
- Loud Musicians
- Ill Rappers
- Crazy Land Surveyors
- Birdbrained Philosophers
- Ballsy Anthropologists
- Freakish Circus People
- Creative Real Estate Agents
- Honest Landlords
- Educated Homeless Folks
- Relentless Bloggers
- Wacky Business People
- Professional Beggers


Talking about music is like dancing about architecture
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we are all each others heros

My Blog

Listen to this album

Anti-Pop Consortium Tragic Epilogue ...
Posted by loftninja on Fri, 25 Apr 2008 06:07:00 PST

Anti-Pop Consortium play Live at Knitting Factory Anti-Pop Consortium play Live at Knitting Factory...
Posted by loftninja on Sun, 13 Apr 2008 01:09:00 PST

Karma Art Show Photos

Photos from the Art show last Friday. Enjoy! View AlbumGet your own...
Posted by loftninja on Mon, 10 Mar 2008 03:58:00 PST

Art Show March 7th with John Robert Ward and Damani Washington

Art show with a couple of my best friends from back in the day (253 Rutledge Ave style)I'm sur e MANY of you know what that means...Come to an art show that I will be showing work at March 7th 2008Tou...
Posted by loftninja on Thu, 28 Feb 2008 11:18:00 PST

Got a new puppy last night

her name is "Maybe"a quickr pickr post...
Posted by loftninja on Mon, 18 Feb 2008 05:45:00 PST

added some new art

lemme know what you think... ...
Posted by loftninja on Sat, 09 Feb 2008 03:03:00 PST

Calendar Launch Party Tomorrow at Torch Velvet Lounge-Must RSVP

As mentioned in previous blog post, I've been designing a calendar for Torch Velvet Lounge to raise money for breast cancer research. Tomorrow night (Friday) is the official launch party at Torch. H...
Posted by loftninja on Thu, 24 Jan 2008 03:03:00 PST

Torch Calendar 2008 Finished..You can purchase starting tomorrow

Many of you know how hard i've  been working on the 2008 Calendar for Torch Velvet Lounge in Charleston, as all of the proceeds go towards research for breast cancer.   Aside from the p...
Posted by loftninja on Tue, 15 Jan 2008 03:57:00 PST

LoftNinjas Latest Creation and a Message from Kool Keith

"Spaceghost" ...
Posted by loftninja on Mon, 26 Nov 2007 09:36:00 PST

Video of 2006 World Rap Battle Championship Filmed in My Apartment

yeah...truly crazy...this was filmed in my living room...and this one was filmed on my roof and this one... ...
Posted by loftninja on Fri, 16 Nov 2007 08:14:00 PST