MixedRaceShirts.Com [3.2k] profile picture

MixedRaceShirts.Com [3.2k]

Your roots are deeper than Mixed, Half, or Other. Represent. Customizable shirts for your mixed heri

About Me

Visit our Official Website at MixedRaceShirts.Com They are top-quality products and as more people order, the store will also grow...Thank you to our friends who donated graphics and ideas. If there is a particular ethnic mix you would like us to create, please let us know. If there's a graphic you have in mind and would like us to perfect to your liking, so long as it is 75% remixed from the original version, then by all means send it in. You may contact us through Myspace and/or our website form.Frequently Asked Questions
How do you make your graphics? - Practice makes perfect. We do it in 3 major graphics programs. If an artist told you all their secrets then you'd take their job.Why don't you have personal information? - Personal and Professional do not go well together. We would like to keep this strictly professional.Do you offer free shirts? - We don't, but we can do graphics for free which can be more than a hundred dollar job. So, if you want to help some starving mixies out, please buy the shirts.Are you a wholesale company? - No MixedRaceShirts.com is not a wholesale company. Therefore, we cannot sell you items in bulk for a lower rate. However, we do offer packages of pins and magnets at bulk rate, let me know if interested in bulk pins or magnets because they are not listed on the site as they are not in demand.Are you adding me to spam me? - I personally do not consistently post bulletins to spam you. If you like our shirts, please forward your friends to our profile. Our marketing is less aggressive. It's all about word-of-mouth.LEAVE A COMMENT (HTML ENABLED)
MixedRaceShirts.com shirts are hot!
Girly Myspace Layouts

My Interests

check other, vietnamegro, frasian, filinegro, japanegro, kortalian, kortaly, mixed-race, interracial, multiracial, interracial families, japanadian, germathiopian, racial, germanese, japagerman, bi racial, biracial, bi-racial, racism, inter-racial, blietnamese, afretnamese, racism, hapa, mixed-race, multicultural, multiracial family, mixed-race people, hapa, multiracial people, biracial, hapa, mixed-race, biracial children, multi-racial, mixed-race, mullato, mulatto, blasian, eurasian, blaxican, mixed, metis, multiracial, mixed-race, interracial relationships, mixed-race dating, biracial identity, bi-racial identity, mixed-race, japatalian, japtalian, wopanese, japitalian, whitsican, interracial relationships, mixed-race society, multiracial census, interracial marriage, interracial meet, inter, multi, migente latino, hapa world, mixed-race magazine, biracial child, mixed-race kids, interracial children, interracial relationships, interracial married, hapa mixed, mixed-race friends, biracial friends, eurasian people, mixed-race peace, interracial ideas, inter-racial, multiracial, multiracial, bi-racial, biracial, mixed-race, interracial, interracial marriage, amerasian, whixican, whitesican, whitsican, whitxican

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UK Model Sarah-Jane

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My Blog

12 Weeks

Unbeknownst to my boyfriend and I, I was pregnant and didn't even know it till last week.  I am just a little over 12 weeks.  I was a bit scared because I just got over cancer last year, and...
Posted by MixedRaceShirts.Com [3.2k] on Mon, 25 Aug 2008 12:57:00 PST

Good News

I am cancer-free, and very skinny now (I was a healthy fat girl prior to cancer).  I refuse to wear a wig, so I am bald and shiny on top of my head.  I have a great family and wonderful frie...
Posted by MixedRaceShirts.Com [3.2k] on Thu, 13 Dec 2007 02:36:00 PST

Blindian Shirts Available

Blindian Shirts are available.View More Blindian Stuff
Posted by MixedRaceShirts.Com [3.2k] on Wed, 05 Sep 2007 08:39:00 PST

Lumpia And Grits

Lumpia and Grits shirts now available!Lumpia and Grits <--------order from here...
Posted by MixedRaceShirts.Com [3.2k] on Mon, 03 Sep 2007 07:50:00 PST

Black & White Mixed Shirts

Another black and white mixed shirt created.click here to view
Posted by MixedRaceShirts.Com [3.2k] on Thu, 28 Jun 2007 03:08:00 PST

Where I Have Been and My Life as a Whole

This blog has nothing to do with teeshirts.  I have been rather sick, which is something the internet does not know about, until now.  I have a kind of malignant cancer called Hodgkins Lymph...
Posted by MixedRaceShirts.Com [3.2k] on Mon, 25 Jun 2007 12:11:00 PST

NEW: Cubanese Shirts

Cubanese ShirtsNot a CookieHalfrican-European...
Posted by MixedRaceShirts.Com [3.2k] on Thu, 14 Jun 2007 09:51:00 PST

Kimchi & Grits

Kimchi N Grits...
Posted by MixedRaceShirts.Com [3.2k] on Mon, 11 Jun 2007 05:52:00 PST


This shirt is inspired by my friend, Colleen, who has an Irish-Jamaican son. Irish-Irie Shirts ...
Posted by MixedRaceShirts.Com [3.2k] on Sun, 10 Jun 2007 11:52:00 PST

HUMAN. What are YOU?

This shirt is inspired by my brother. He came over today and was sick of the age old question. Human. What are YOU?...
Posted by MixedRaceShirts.Com [3.2k] on Sun, 10 Jun 2007 11:50:00 PST