The Following is just the biography of the band's life. This profile is not the real band! Remember it is just a fan page!!!!!
They never got out and never really found commercial success. But the 80's Punk Rock group, The Minute Men, proved to be quite influential towards many subsequent musicians.
Going back, the band's roots began in 1971, when Mike Watt and D. Boon met at age 13. Both shared a passion for music and eventually Boon was taught how to play guitar by his mother, and also suggested that Watt play the Bass Guitar (even though Watt did not know what a bass was).
Watt and Boon formed the Bright Orange Band in high school, but dissolved right after graduation in 1976. Soon they formed the band The Reactionaries with additional singer Martin Tamburovich. Right after the band The Reactionaries broke up, The Minutemen formed in January 1980. The name has many meanings. According to, " the band's name was derived partly because of the fabled minutemen militia of colonial times, partly because many of their earlier songs lasted a minute or less, and partly to take the name back from a right-wing reactionary group of the 1960s that used to harass figures like Angela Davis through the mail."
But sadly, in December 24, 1985, The Minutemen were forced to disband after the death of their Guitarist, D. Boon. He shall Be greatly missed.....
The Minutemen proved to be very influential on the indie and alternative rock scene. The proved it by DIY success and as Mike Watt still puts it today, "Jamming Econo."
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