TRPLE6 profile picture


DOWN - Over The Under - 25th September

About Me

I'm a bricky that love's his Death Metal... I'm an insomniac, that's why I'm on here at midnight, Make's it harder to get up and work in the morning, But I get there, I work the day's with Allterrain Bricklaying with 'Since' and 'Shrek', Mostly thing's run smooth but if it doesn't we just 'Tape it up!', Anything I put my mind to, I can do, and usually do it well, It says my hometown is everywhere because I've moved house 29 times, I'm kinda like that seed on the 'Planet Caravan' film clip, never had the chance to make a strong group of friend's but I've met a few 'Lifer's' on the way and meeting more as I go on here, When I drink at home I drink Toohey's Extra Dry, at the bar I'll have schooner's of NEW, If I get long neck's I buy XXXX, at a restaurant I have Corona's, and I drink 'anything' when it's FREE, I don't know why it's just the way it is, I alway's put my left leg in my pant's first but my right sock goes .. the left, I'm goin straight to HELL and when I get there I'll tell satan to 'Get out my fkn seat', I've tried to grow up, but in my heart i'm still at that Pantera show in 1994, with my cut off army pants, smoking a joint before they come on stage, I can be trusted yet I am a genuine unpredictable ratbag!.

My Interests

HATECORE, DEATH METAL, HEAVY METAL, GRINDCORE, psycorockmenstrualgrindporn, BRICKY MUSIC!!, driving too fast, VY Holden's, strippers, jumping off funiture, drinkin' beers, metal shows, freestyle motocross, sitin in my big leather chair typin' into this, texas hold em' poker, army rolls, goin to maccas, overtakin' P platers (sorry sis), boxing, cookin' on the barbie, gate crashin' parties drunk on yeager bombs, over quotin' cash jobs, gettin tattooed (hail MEDUSA in sydney), anything evil, sleepin' in, geting busted up in the mosh, jumpin' off stages, not paying tax in time, crankin' the sterio, winning traffic light races, wasting money, playin' paintball, drinkin games, breakin' stuff, chasing the dog with the remote control car, roadtrips, camping, being a ratbag, cold and flu tablets with beers, felt tip pens, pubs, playin pool, pokies, and betting on greyhounds, CR 250s, tellin' jokes, not wearing a shirt, going up the farm, chicks in high, high heels, whips, spikes, studs, depositing cheques, V8s, staffies, black t-shirts and hoodies when I have to, Bpay, Paypal, Ebay, all the girls at (keep up the good work), bottled water, slush puppies, putting dents in fridges, redbulls, throwin' chairs, flowers, takin' walks along the..No!!..wait, thats a bit far!.. Just ask, I'll tell you!

I'd like to meet:

Like minded people with a dark sense of humor, metalhead's, anyone with a strong passion for heavy/death metal, anyone who want's to tell me about a metal band I don't know about, I'd say Phillip Anselmo, Chris Barnes, and Matt Skitz, but I've met them already, and ones a good mate, anyone who's not scared of a thrown chair in the lounge room or want's to jump off the bookcase while Torsorgy is cranked on the sterio, and I'd like to catch up with the fuk that stole the remote control for my television cause i'm sick of using the pool que.

On the other hand I want to meet freestyle motocross' and dirt bike enthusiasts, who can hook me up with places to ride and generally have screws loose, much like myself.


Down, Pantera, Superjoint Ritual, Damaged, Abramelin, TerrorusT, Torsorgy, Cavity Maggot, Noir Macabre (when I finally get a copy of it!! ha), Devolved, Torture Killer, old Cannibal Corpse, Six Feet Under, Slayer, Chimaira, Tourettes, Blood Duster, Acid Bath, Deicide.


Pantera's Vulgar Video's gotta be number one!, Slayer's Devine Intervention Vid, Snatch, The Devils Rejects, Saw, House of a 1000 Corpses, Fear And Loathing in Las Vagas, True Romance, Seven, Natural Born Killer's, Fight Club, The Crow, The Search For Animal Chin, Disasterpieces, Crusty 2000.


V8 Supercars, One Day Cricket.
Playstation 2 - Gran Tourismo 4, Metal Gear Solid, TEKKEN, SSX Tricky, World Series Poker, Cricket 2004, FIFA 2006


All four Dan Brown books, Dean Koontz, FreeriderMX


They know who they are..

My Blog


Just remembered something I was meant to do!! I've got a blog to write that should have been done quite awhile ago? The occasion was a DOWN concert at the Newcastle Entertainment Centre. Well not actu...
Posted by TRPLE6 on Tue, 04 Sep 2007 04:03:00 PST


Three weeks later its about time I got onto posting this.. Thanks to everybody who has already asked when it's going up.. Good to see you are interested.. ABDUCTED was a massive weekend and it's taken...
Posted by TRPLE6 on Sat, 11 Aug 2007 03:37:00 PST


HELLYEAH!! Another successful mission complete, however quite small compared to the last few.. Unsure of whether I would be able to get to this show, due to rain day's and no work at home during the w...
Posted by TRPLE6 on Sun, 01 Jul 2007 03:46:00 PST


14 years!! Not only is it the second song on Use Your Illusion II, but it's half my life, and also the amount of time Mick MEDUSA and I have been waiting to finally see a live GUNS N' ROSES show!! 14 ...
Posted by TRPLE6 on Tue, 26 Jun 2007 08:14:00 PST


Thought it might be time to write another blog, hopefully worth reading for this site again, thanks to all those that commented on, or about my METALSTOCK blog also thanks to everyone who jumped on My...
Posted by TRPLE6 on Sat, 16 Jun 2007 02:42:00 PST


METALSTOCK 2007?? How can I write a report on a weekend I can't even remember? I had this idea before I headed to METALSTOCK that I'd write a killer blog about the whole weekend and write about every ...
Posted by TRPLE6 on Fri, 20 Apr 2007 07:19:00 PST