EeE-TeE profile picture


About Me

kRisP -n- kLeEn KuTz PhRuM OwTeR sPaCe..... pHoRMuLaTeD To pHaDe Tha P.H.U.C.K. OuTTa YoO pHaKe aSs sUcKa D.j'Z... -n- Tha GoOd NaMe oF pHiNdiNg SuMThiN' BeauTiFuL.... iNsiDe oF SuM "OuTTa ThiS WuRLd, MuD DuCk UgLiNeSs....." YeR pHLaShY aSs wAcK aSsEs aRe HeReBy sEnTeNcEd To Do 20 YeeRz "ExTRa-dExTRa" H.A.R.D. DooTie -n- LaBoR oN Tha TwiN eLecTRoNiCk pHoNogRapHz......oTheRWiSe kNoWn aZ Tha InFaMoUs oNeZ (1'z) -n- TwOz (2'z). YoO pHuCkeRz WiLL LeaRn sUm ReSpEcT pHuR ThiS "LiFeFoRm".....oOpZ....i MeaN"ArTFoRm"..... Be-pHoRe YoO sO LoOsELy ToSs aRoUnD THa TiTLe "D.J." AnD aZ pHoRe aLL -a- YoO pHiNe aSs UgLy GiRLz PhRuM pHRiEnDLy pHaMiLiEz WiT aShee pHaT aSsEs......ThaNk YoO pHoRe BeiN' sO MuThuRpHUcKiN' KooL WiT LeTTiN' mY UgLy aSs pHeeL oN YeR pHuNDaMenTaLz.TwO FiNgaZ Go uP wHeN i SaY pEaCe -n- i'M OuT!!!!P.S. - iF YoO KaN ReeD ThiS MeSsaGe.....TheN, cHaNcEz aRe You'Re NOT eVeN PhRiCkiN' pHRuM ThiS PhRiCkiN' pLaNeT!!!!!P.S.S. - pLeaSe TaKe a MoMenT To LoOk ThRoUgH mY pHoTo BoOk BeLoW.....ReLaX YeR MinDz -n- GeT To KnOw My FaMiLy. -- EeE-TeE - (Tha WoRLd'z UgLiEsT D.J.)

My Interests


Member Since: 9/9/2006
Band Website:
Band Members: EeE-TeE TheE EmCeE a/k/a SkiNNy sLiCk (Me), D.J. I.Q. a/k/a UniKRoNN (MyseLF), The InGeNiOuS Dr. DuCkBuTTeR SkRaTcH a/k/a Tha DiZzLe (aLTeR eGo HiDDeN DEEP WiThiN mY SuBcOnCiOuS)......ThaT'z LiKe six MuThaPhUcKaZ oCcUpYiNg Tha SaMeSpAcE!!!!
Influences: D.J. Q-BerT (of course)/Tha PiKLz... cRaZe, A-TRaK -n- Tha aLLieS... BaBu, MeLo-D, D-sTyLeZ/BeaT JuNkiEs...GranDMaSTeR RoC-RaiDa, SiNiSTa -n- Tha X-MeN, D.J. ReVoLuTiOn & waaaaaay too many more to mention, but you get the idea......right???

Sounds Like: Me, MyseLF, & a guy who LooKz jUsT LiKe Me......MuTHaPhUcKa even sHoWeRz aT The EXACT SaMe TiMe ThaT I Do!!!!found this music layout at HOT:
Record Label: ExTRaTeRResTRiaL EnTeRTaiNMenT
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

<(((--- BiGGiE sMaLLz...TRaNzLaTeD!!!---)))>

This paper was turned in by an Oakland High school student who received the highest honors at the school district's Ebonics translation competition.   Assignment: Please translate the followin...
Posted by EeE-TeE on Sun, 27 May 2007 09:57:00 PST

.::Communication is the lock.....Slience is the key::.

Sometimes we try so hard to communicate with those closest to us, only to find our most valiant efforts crumble to a pile of rubble. Some of us look for logic in the miscommunication because, in our h...
Posted by EeE-TeE on Thu, 02 Nov 2006 11:07:00 PST