Underground Metal Fishing Renaissance Fests Medieval History Swords Competers
Real cool ppl that are into metal and want to help promote it.Check out my and our other podcast page's !!!
Thrash,Death,Black Metal,Grin and Classic Rock the real shit.
Braveheart,Star Wars,Cheech & Chong,The Wall,Reefer Madness,Trick or Treat,Excalibur,Krull,The X Files,Dawn & Day of the Dead,3 Vulgar Video's,Naked Lunch,Hellraiser Also all kinds of horror flicks.
Twilight Zone,That 70's show,X Files, Tales From The Darkside,Classic Sit Coms
Hammer of the Gods,naked lunch,Ocult books
Dimebag,Jimi Hendrix,Keith Moon